2018 Summer Activity Catalog NapaRecSummerActivityCatalog2018 | Page 56

WWW.CITYOFNAPA.ORG/PARKSANDREC Hot Tips for a successful sale: 1. Start a pile in the garage or spare bedroom now and price your items before the day of the sale. 2. Be ready to negotiate. Buyers love a good deal. And do you really want to carry that treadmill back into the house? 3. Master the art of the bundle: Price small items by the box or make mystery grab bags for 50 cents. 4. Have plenty of change on hand so you can break those ATM $20s 5. Use a PayPal or Square account so you can accept credit cards. 6. Decide ahead of time if you’re going to offer deep discounts at the end of the day. Napa Citywide Community Yard Sale It’s Bargain Shopping: The Green Way! When Dr. Seuss wrote “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”, we’d like to think one of the those places was a good community yard sale. Why? Because community yard sales are the best. Each year The City of Napa, the Parks and Recreation Department, the Recycling Division, and Napa Recycling and Waste Services (NRWS) designates a date for families who want to participate and hold their own garage sales or yard sales. This year’s Citywide Community Yard Sale will be held at homes throughout Napa on Saturday, September 8, 2018, with many homes open on Sunday, too. Whether you’re a buyer, a seller, or both, the Napa Citywide Community Yard Sale is a fun, community event that brings neighbors together for a purpose and reduces Napa’s environmental impact. Here are the top 5 benefits of participating in the Napa Citywide Community Yard Sale: 1. l Think Global, Act Local 56 By participating in this year’s upcoming Community Yard Sale, you will think global, by acting local! The United States of America represents only 5% of the world’s population, but we generate about 30% of the world’s garbage. On average, that is 4.4 pounds of trash generated per person every day, which equals about 254 million tons generated in a year! The United States of America alone has over 2,000 active landfills in the country, with thousands already inactive. By acting locally and thinking globally, you can reduce Napa’s environmental impact. You are reducing your environmental impact being a seller, buyer, or just supporting the community. By selling your gently used items instead of throwing them away, you are providing them another life and ensuring they are not heading to the landfill. That’s true for those purchasing the gently-used items as well, not only are you giving the item a second life, you are not buying something new, which is a win-win because no new natural resources are being used in the production of a new item! 2. It’s Bargain Shopping - The Green Way! You’re sure to find a bargain at the Napa Citywide Yard Sale! Shopping this event gives people the opportunity to buy hard-to-find collectibles and discounted items. You can find items such as kitchenware, baby items, kids clothing, jackets, bicycles, jewelry, antique furniture, sports gear, artwork, collectibles, exercise equipment, and other unexpected treasures in good condition at low prices. 3. Find Treasures Remember, as a kid, playing hide and seek? Treasure hunt? No need to outgrow that heart-pounding, foot-tingling, exciting feeling of “GOTCHA!” You can find treasures at yard sales. There is nothing more fun, for some, than to find the proverbial needle in a haystack at a yard sale. Where