2018 Popular Annual Financial Report For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 | Page 11

T he T own ’ s N et P osition G arner ’ s N et P osition Assets FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 $130,780,442 $133,785,703 $131,759,583 654,824 3,141,493 2,565,727 44,839,922 52,802,115 61,368,514 396,113 254,193 1,570,464 $86,199,231 $83,870,888 $71,386,332 Deferred outflows of resources Liabilities Deferred inflows of resources NET POSITION N ET POSITION IS THE DIFFERENCE be- tween total assets and deferred outflows of resources and total liabilities and de- ferred inflows of resources. A positive net posi- tion means Town assets exceed liabilities. ($60.84 million) reflects the Town’s investment in capital assets. The net investment in capi- tal assets category is defined as the Town’s in- vestment in its own assets (e.g. land, buildings, equipment and infrastructure) less any related debt still outstanding issued to acquire those The Town had a positive net position of items. The Town uses these assets to provide $71,386,332 as of June 30, 2018. Overall, net services to citizens. position decreased by $12.5 million in FY 17-18, primarily due to a prior-year restatement as the An additional $4.2 million of net position (5.8 outcome of a new accounting standard (GASB percent) is restricted. These resources are sub- Statement No. 75) that changed the way the ject to specific external legal restrictions that Town accounts for post-employment benefits limit the Town’s ability to use these funds be- yond the purpose for which they are provid- (OPEB), primarily health care. ed. The remaining $6.4 million of net position Approximately 85.2 percent of net position (9 percent) is unrestricted. N et P osition by F iscal Y ear (in millions) $80 84.13 84.03 82.39 85.65 85.69 86.20 N et P osition I nvestment 83.87 71.39 60 Restricted (5.8%) Unrestricted (9%) 40 20 FY 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 2018 POPULAR ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 16-17 17-18 Capital assets (85.2%) 10