2018 NPAA Magazine 2018 NPAA Magazine - This is Our Sport | Page 56

The Power of Social Media. How to use social media to your advantage By Alicia Chiesa Social media is more powerful than ever and it has thrust the fitness industry into the spotlight like never before. Most of today’s fitness stars were born through the likes of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with some reaching followings in the millions. As a fitness competitor, social media platforms are a great tool to use to promote yourself and build your brand in the industry. I know that I would not be where I am today or have the incredible sponsorships that I do if it weren’t for social media and how I used it to my advantage following my first fitness competition. Social media is a great means to not only promote yourself, but to motivate and inspire others as well. I find that the more real and open you are, the more relatable you will be and therefore the more followers you will gain. I personally like to share both my triumphs and struggles with my followers to show that there is more than what you see on the surface. Don’t get me wrong, no one likes to read about negativity constantly, but sharing a bit of your story and obstacles you’ve faced will connect you with many more people than acting like everything is perfect all the time will. It’s important to remember that young people may be looking up to you as a role model and closely following your every move on social channels. As a natural athlete, this is a big responsibility to me. I want to show people that you can be healthy, fit and successful naturally. Yes, I may fluctuate in weight from time to time and have my struggles, but I hope that I can inspire and encourage others to live a natural, healthy lifestyle. You never know who you may be influencing on social media, so try to keep that in mind with your posts. One case of social media gone wrong that has recently been in the media is that of a famous model who posted a Snapchat of a naked woman in the gym locker room with a degrading comment. Keep in mind that everything can (and will) be screenshot in this day and age. Someone took a screenshot of this post and the model was sentenced to community work and probation. Body shaming or shaming on social media in general is never okay. It’s never okay to post videos of others at the gym putting them down or to bash other’s physiques or progress. Spread positivity and kind words on social platforms, not negativity and hate. 53.