2018 NPAA Magazine 2018 NPAA Magazine - This is Our Sport | Page 50

JETTING OFF FOR WORK OR VACATION? Here are ten tips to staying fit when traveling. In health & fitness, Angela Braun & Jennifer Martin 47. Trying to stay fit on a regular day can sometimes pose as a challenge, but adding travel into the mix and you’ve got yourself an even bigger one. Whether you are traveling for pleasure or for work, staying healthy and fit on the road requires some seriously planning and commitment. Travelling can be stressful and long, not to mention the toll that jet lag can have on your body once you get to your final destination -- so its not surprising that some people struggle to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime while on the road. So how does one manage to stay the course? Plan, plan, plan! During our last competition prep, we both had numerous business trips, as well as, some personal travel. It was challenging to stay the course, especially if there were work events that you just couldn’t plan for. For the two of us we found that planning ahead was key. For myself (Jen), I had a business trip to Cancun for a week, four weeks out from the NPAA Calgary November 2017 show. I found that the more I communicated with people the more people were willing to accommodate my needs. I announced to my co-workers and partners that I was training for a fitness competition and I couldn’t believe how supportive everyone were. I had one partner arrange grilled chicken and veggies for me for our lunch meeting while everyone else ate the catered lunch – you would be surprised at how supportive people can be once you communicate with them. I was also very grateful that the hotel I was staying at a had a gym, so I was able to research what equipment they had in advance and work with my trainer on a workout plan for the week. When I arrived in Cancun I made it a point to get my workouts done in the morning before a long day of meetings and events. (Optional to include). Checkout below for our top ten tips for staying on track while travelling.