2018 Miniature Horse World Magazine JULY E-Magazine | Page 17

Herbert produces some foals for himself and he also produces some to sell. His first AMHA stallion was Nehi Fools Gold, a three time European Champion that he sold to a breeder in Russia. Herbert loves to show in the Halter classes and has won many championships and prizes with his horses. Each year Herbert and his girlfriend trek to the USA to attend the AMHA World Show in Fort Worth, Texas. He enjoys seeing all the beautifull horses, his American friends and other international friends from all over the World who also attend the show. Herbert attends the entire ten days of the World Show and enjoys every minute of it! The last two years he also participated in the In- ternational Gamblers Choice Halter Class, a World Show class offered just for international guests who want the exciting opportunity to perform at Worlds. In 2017, Herbert won the class with the mare, Aloha Acres She Lites it Up, provided by Lee Crutchfield. The interest in the AMHA in the Netherlands and surrounding countries is growing every year, and Herbert does whatever he can to help promote the AMHA horse in Europe. Herbert has been a board member for several years with the ICAMH ( International Club for American Miniature Horses). This club organizes the AMHA European Regional Championship Show and two local AMHA Ap- proved shows per year. All three shows use approved AMHA judges from USA . Herbert was thrilled and encourages other international exhibitors to come join in the fun. Who wouldn’t like to show a World calibur Miniature and enjoy the show from inside the ring? Spectators cheer on the exhibitors and wave flags from the different countries. It’s an exciting class and a fun opportunity for those who traveled miles from home to be involved in the show. Herbert would like to give a special thank you to all the horse owners who make it possible for the internatinonal participants to borrow a their great horses!