2018 CSO Employer Brochure WRIKE - CSO - Employer-Brochure - 2018 - Digital | Page 12

PARTNER WITH US IN THE CAREER SERVICES OFFICE “As an employer, we are constantly adjusting our strategies to connect with potential employees. By working with the College of Business Administration, it enables us to connect with college students to understand their needs as well as provide advice to students as they prepare to enter the workforce.” Tiffaney Proud, PHR HR Associate, Talent Acquisition FedEx Supply Chain Employer Advisory Council (EAC) The EAC provides additional networking opportunities and feedback discussions on recruiting practices from the Student Advisory Council. EAC members receive first notification for scheduling on-campus engagements. Event Sponsorships We have limited opportunities to sponsor recruiting and career development events or partner for signature events for premiere table locations and additional marketing. The Career Closet Scholarship has provided suits and alterations to over since its inception in 2016.