2018 Annual Report annualreport | Page 16

PARTNERING   With the Community 41 364 CPR Car Classes 572 CPR Certified $55,698 Fill Seat boot Installs 21 Extinguisher  Demos The Southlake Fire Department is committed to the safety and education of the community it serves. Public Education is a vital part of how we best serve the community. It is our belief that most fires and accidents can be prevented. Our goal is to provide every citizen within our city and community the highest level of safety awareness training available. We do everything within our power to prevent emergencies before they start; sometimes emergencies happen, so providing training to minimize the risk of an emergency is an important element in our education programs as well. The department best prepares our citizens through the above Public Education programs. the 26 Fall Prevention We Take Out the Trash The City of Southlake partners yearly with Fort Worth Environmental, Expanco Documents, Republic Waste and Texas Recovery Systems to provide a way for citizens to dispose of household hazardous waste, documents and electronics in a safe and environmentally conscious way.  This years Crud Cruiser event disposed of 19,340 pounds of waste, 5,000 pounds of paper and 4,278 pounds of electronics.