2018 -2019 Season Brochures 1819 MeyerhoffSubscription_Bro_FINAL_Low-Res_Pages | Page 5

"There are good reasons why we have given standing ovations . multiple INSIDE: We love our BSO!" – John Jay Bonstingl, Subscriber INSIDE SEASON HIGHLIGHTS 2 SPECIAL EVENTS 6 HOLIDAY CONCERTS 8 C L AS S I CAL T H U R S D AY C S E R I E S 10 F R I D AY E S E R I E S 12 F R I D AY F S E R I E S 14 S AT U R D AY N S E R I E S 16 SATURDAY OFF THE CUFF 18 S U N D AY K S E R I E S 20 S U N D AY L S E R I E S 22 SUPERPOPS 24 FAMILY 26 HOW TO ORDER BSOMUSIC.ORG 27 SEATING CHART/PRICING 28 ORDER FORM 29 SEASON AT A GLANCE Ivan Stefanovic, Associate Principal Second Violin 31 5