2018-2019 OJCL Scrapbook 1 | Page 46


Gie Wilson, Wyoming HS

“This picture was taken October 21 at our Armilustrium event where the club participated in many activities including chariot racing, classically themed games, the sacrificing of the October horse (a pinata), and of course a sword fighting championship, the victor of which is depicted here after vanquishing her final opponent.”

1st Place

2nd Place

Katy Dimmit, Madeira HS

"Madeira JCL students begin preparations for state convention club projects!”

Holland Cavanaugh, Ursuline Academy

"In UA’s first Latin Club meeting of the year, the officers organized a classics-related game involving stations. While other teams compete digitis micare, picitonary, and chariot wheelbarrow races, this team tests their Latin knowledge with certamen."

3rd Place