2018-19 Professional Learning Catalog INGTY_CPS_2018-19Programs_FINALLinks2_Spreads | Page 8

TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE ARTS TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE ARTS Mastering the Standards: Teacher Edition Mastering the Standards: Teacher Edition The updated Illinois Arts Learning Standards, going into effect in school year 2018–19, usher in a momentous opportunity to advance quality arts education across the district. To help CPS educators understand and implement these Standards, the CPS Department of Arts Education is offering full-day, interactive professional learning sessions that will address each arts discipline and grade band in depth. Schedule Mastering the Standards #3: Aligning Assessment Friday, February 1, 2019 | 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Location TBD Course code: 41844 | Class code: 80054 Clock hours offered: 5.0 Who Should Attend? CPS arts teachers, Instructional Support Leaders, and school principals and administrators Register • CPS teachers: Visit learninghub.cps.edu • Charter/Contract/Options school teachers: Email [email protected] with your name, school, teaching role, and date you wish to attend. Session Objectives Participants will: ∞ Understand the content and structure of the updated Illinois Arts Learning Standards and their impact on arts education ∞ Learn practical, discipline-specific strategies for aligning arts instruction, curriculum, and assessment to the updated Standards ∞ Engage in action planning to bring alignment strategies back to schools Framework Alignments Arts Partner Standards of Practice: N/A Framework for Teaching: 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e | 2b, 2c | 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d | 4a, 4d School Excellence Framework: Professional Learning, Curriculum, Instructional Materials, Rigorous Student Tasks, Instruction, Balanced Assessment & Grading, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Culture for Learning, Student Voice, Engagement & Civic Life CPS Office of Teaching & Learning Initiatives: TRU Dimensions Teaching and Learning in the Arts sessions for CPS teachers and administrators closely align to other core subject professional learning initiatives designed by the CPS Office of Teaching and Learning and Office of Network Supports; namely, the initiatives centered around the Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU) Dimensions. By aligning instruction, curriculum, and assessment to the Illinois Arts Learning Standards, teachers will also be aligning arts classrooms to the TRU Dimensions: Schedule Mastering the Standards #1: Aligning Instruction This session will be offered twice (choose one to attend). Thursday, August 30 or Friday, August 31, 2018 | 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Chicago Cultural Center | 78 E. Washington St. Course code: 41844 | Class codes: August 30: 79647 | August 31: 79648 Clock hours offered: 5.0 Mastering the Standards #2: Aligning Curriculum Friday, November 2, 2018 | 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Location TBD Course code: 41844 | Class code: 80053 Clock hours offered: 5.0 Agency, Authority, and Identity: The extent to which students are provided opportunities to “walk the walk and talk the talk”...in ways that contribute to their development of agency (the willingness to engage), their ownership [authority] over the content, and the development of positive identities as thinkers and learners. Equitable Access to Content: The extent to which classroom activity structures invite and support the active engagement of all of the students in the classroom with the core disciplinary content being addressed by the class. Uses of Assessment: The extent to which classroom activities elicit student thinking and subsequent interactions respond to those ideas, building on productive beginnings and addressing emerging misunderstandings. Content: The extent to which classroom activity structures provide opportunities for students to become knowledgeable, flexible, and resourceful disciplinary thinkers. More detailed alignment resources will be available in school year 2018–19 at cpsarts.org. Cognitive Demand: The extent to which students have opportunities to grapple with and make sense of important disciplinary ideas and their use. 8 | Professional Learning Catalog Photo courtesy of CPS Photo by Susan Ryan 2018–2019 School Year | 9