2018-19 Professional Learning Catalog INGTY_CPS_2018-19Programs_FINALLinks2_Spreads | Page 50

INDEX OF FRAMEWORK ALIGNMENTS CPS Framework for Teaching The CPS Framework for Teaching organizes the work of classroom teachers into four domains. It may be used as the foundation of a school or district’s mentoring, coaching, professional development, and teacher evaluation processes. 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Mastering the Standards #1: Aligning Instruction 8 Mastering the Standards #2: Aligning Curriculum 8 Mastering the Standards #3: Aligning Assessment 9 Standards in Action: Arts Classroom Demonstration Sites 16–17 Standards in Action: Arts Lesson Feedback Sessions 25 CPS Lesson Labs 12 Stages of Creativity: Child Development and the Arts 13 Firing the “Canon”: Developing Culturally Relevant Programs 44 Arts Education Conference 2019: Cultivating Conditions for Growth 10–11 INDEX OF FRAMEWORK ALIGNMENTS 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Rules of Engagement: Activating Student Learning 20 Stages of Creativity: Child Development and the Arts 13 Shifting the Power: Developing Personal Self-Awareness 39 Shelter From The Storm: Recognizing, Understanding, and Defining Trauma 41 “Clap Once if You Can Hear Me”: Setting Expectations and Creating Boundaries 42 Firing the “Canon”: Developing Culturally Relevant Programs 44 Arts Education Conference 2019: Cultivating Conditions for Growth 10–11 1c: Selecting Learning Objectives Alignments to help teachers, administrators, and arts partners identify areas of strength and prioritize professional learning in areas of improvement. Mastering the Standards #1: Aligning Instruction 8 Mastering the Standards #2: Aligning Curriculum 8 Mastering the Standards #3: Aligning Assessment 9 Standards in Action: Arts Classroom Demonstration Sites 16–17 Standards in Action: Arts Lesson Feedback Sessions 25 CPS Lesson Labs 12 Rules of Engagement: Activating Student Learning 20 Stages of Creativity: Child Development and the Arts 13 Arts Education Conference 2019: Cultivating Conditions for Growth 10–11 CPS Framework for Teaching | CPS Principal Competencies CPS School Excellence Framework | Arts Partner Standards of Practice 50 | Professional Learning Catalog Photo by Pierce Cruz, courtesy of Chicago Children’s Theatre Photo by Susan Ryan 2018–2019 School Year | 51