Science Teachers’ Association of New South Wales Inc. Providing leadership and promoting excellence in science education Seconded: Brett McKay For 19 Against 0 Abstention 0 Motion carried Motion 5: That clause 6.10 of the STANSW Constitution: 6.10 Prior to each election, the Council will: a. appoint a Returning Officer b. set a delivery date for ballot papers c. set a closing date for the ballot. Be changed to: 6.10 Prior to each election, the Council will: a. appoint a Returning Officer b. set a date for sending ballot information if required c. set a closing date for the ballot. Proposed: Anna Davis Seconded: Nikki Zimmerman For: 21 Against: 0 Abstention: 0 Motion carried Motion 6: That clause 6.11 of the STANSW Constitution: 6.11. The Returning Officer will conduct the ballot on behalf of the Association. Their role includes: a. receiving and validating the nominations b. distributing the ballot forms to Members in the manner and time prescribed by the Council c. ensuring safe keeping of returned ballot papers d. counting the ballot and informing candidates and Council of the results. Be changed to: 6.11. The Returning Officer will receive the Council nominations on behalf of the Association. Their role includes: a. receiving the nominations b. informing Council if there is a need to conduct an electronic ballot c. ensuring safe keeping of ballot results d. counting the ballot results and informing candidates and Council of the results. Proposed: Anna Davis Seconded:Brett McKay For: 21 Against: 0 Abstention: 0 Motion carried Motion 7: That clause 6.12 of the STANSW Constitution: 6.12. Nominations of candidates for election as Councillors: a. shall be made in writing; and 29