2017 Ontario's Sunset Country Travel Guide 1 | Page 16

PARKS & CANOEING PADDLE OUR PARKS Sunset Country boasts well over a dozen Ontario Parks within its borders. Three of these are remote wilderness parks. Quet- ico has over 2,000 kms of canoe routes on 12,000 lakes where motorized vessels are prohibited. This famed park near Atiko- kan has a drive-to campground as well as 2,200 backcountry sites. Woodland Caribou, which is accessed by boat or float plane from Red Lake has 1,500 backcountry sites. Wabakimi is the second largest park of all the Ontario Parks and covers 892,061 ha. The park is accessed by train or by float plane out 16 | 2017 Sunset Country Guide of Armstrong or Thunder Bay. Expect to see wildlife and have your camera ready! There are several other easily accessed Ontario Parks. You won’t find concrete parking lots here! All parks are located in a wilderness setting along a beautiful Canadian lake where you can fall asleep listening to the call of the loon. Most have full amenities. Whether you choose to canoe a wilderness park or choose a drive-to park, you’re sure to enjoy the beauty of our Canadian wilderness.