2017 International Psychics Directory PD2017Digital | Page 22


Activate Your Seven Psychic Clairs

By Anna Comerford

Everyone has the potential to psychically and intuitively use their extra senses to assist in tapping into a greater wisdom . I would like to introduce you to the seven psychic clairs . Clair is French and means ‘ clear ’. Which of the following senses do you think is the strongest for you ?

CLAIRSENTIENCE clear feeling and sensing ( may be called clairempathy )
This psychic sensing is linked to emotions and feelings . Clairsentience is often the first and easiest clair to develop as it ’ s linked to gut feelings and hunches . Most people are usually able to sense what ’ s going on around them . You may be able to sense if someone is sad or is not telling the truth . Our electrical nervous system has a psychic antenna that picks up different waves and vibrations of energy .
CLAIRVOYANCE clear seeing or vision
You may experience psychic visions by having vivid dreams , visions , mental images and mini-movies that flash in your awareness . You may also see colours around people , plants and animals ; have a good sense of direction ; easily visualise solutions to problems ; be good with visual-spatial problems and you may like rearranging furniture . Clairvoyant people may have prophetic visions or dreams of the future . This is called precognition .
CLAIRAUDIENCE clear hearing
This is one of the last clairs to develop . People who play instruments , sing or write songs are usually auditory so they may be good at this
sense . Sometimes a person may pick up on thoughts of people around them ( called mental telepathy ). This happened to me once , when I was in a school staffroom with other teachers in a primary school where I worked . I heard a sentence trickle through my mind but to my surprise knew it wasn ’ t my thoughts . I realised it was the lady sitting next to me as it directly related to a conversation we ’ d just had in another room . Luckily her thoughts were nice and positive ! If a spirit is talking to you , it may feel like it comes from outside your head and may be in a slightly different octave to the vibration of your own thoughts . Depending on how developed your clairaudience is , some people may be able to decipher whether it ’ s a male or female tone they are
hearing . Sometimes I hear specific words being said , while other times it ’ s more like an energetic or telepathic communication that I ‘ hear ’.
CLAIRTANGENCY clear touching ( may be known as psychometry )
This is another form of clairsentience . Clairtangency is also called psychometry . It ’ s when you get information from touching an object , person or animal . It may be a hug , a handshake , brushing up against someone or sitting in a chair used by someone else . You may get psychic impressions when you are holding someone else ’ s jewellery , article of clothing or a letter .