2017 Hovedkatalog SMART Repair 2017 hovedkatalog | Page 132

Elimination of mould fungis up to 99,9 %
Smells can be hard to get rid of . Despite a nicely ventilated room , it can be difficult to get on top of the odours . HBC system H , UV-C & OZONE Technology can - without the use of chemicals - permanently eliminate odour problems of any kind . The odour does not return , unless the pollutant is still present .
Easy to install ! HBC system H , UV-C & OZONE Technology shall be placed in high areas of the room such as on a bookshelf , wall or on the ceiling .
Reasons for choosing the HBC system H You invest in well-being , greater efficiency , an increased job satisfaction and less absence due to illness .
HBC system introduces a new machine to fight odour nuisances
By using the patented UV-C & OZONE Technology you can eliminate and remove odour nuisance . This technology received the EU Environmental Award , in the category “ cleaner technology ”.
Through this technology a number of odour nuisances are being fought , and thereby there is a reduced risk of transmitting infectiously diseases . System H removes the smell from the air ; however it also eliminates the odour from for instance the carpets , fabrics , curtains and the walls .
Poor indoor climate in the rooms , where people work , affects our quality of life and health in a negative way . It can be anything from malodorous odours from garbage , mould fungis , cigarettes to industrial processes .
HBC system H , UV-C & OZON Technology
With the OZON Technology you not only get rid of the smell from the air . It also removes the smell that is in the carpet and the fabrics .
An unpleasant smell can create discomfort , but indoor the air pollution is a source of headaches , respiratory problems , fatigue , muscle tensions , asthma , allergy , dry mucous membrane and eye irritation . All of this has an influence on the way people work and concentrate during work .
FUNCTION : Under controlled circumstances UV-C light arises in system H . This light generates / produces ozon ( O3 ) in connection with the natural oxygen ( O2 ) content in the air – this happens in the same way as with sunbeams . By using this method no harmful nitrogen oxides ( NOX ) arise .
This happens , when ozon is being generated by an electric discharge , such as welding or duplicating / copying . Ozone has the ability to combine with organic substances in the air such as Nicotine , and the ozon oxidizes these . Thereby the bacteria , vira and spores present in the air are being eliminated . During the cleaning process the smelling air in the room is being sucked into the system H , and it passes the HBC special lamp . In connection with this , the treated and disinfected air is being led back to the room with an ozon residue .