2017 Healthy School Champions | Page 12




Data are integral to the health programming at Haskin Elementary . The school used data in a variety of ways and worked to find a variety of age-appropriate data sources to identify needs , set goals , and monitor progress toward those goals .
Climate surveys are administered bi-annually to students , staff , and parents . Two years ago , the school identified bullying data had increased to 15 %, above Colorado norm of 10 %. It also noticed that bullying victimization had increased to 49 %, above the Colorado norm of 38 %. The data was used to advocate for a school counselor position and this year for the first time in over five years and even after additional budget cuts , they hired a school counselor . Due to this , they have staff to teach lessons around character development and life skills , and are seeing an increase in the number of students excited to be at school .
The school ’ s overweight and obesity rate for the past few years has averaged about 25-27 %. While this was a decrease from previous years , they have not been able to significantly decrease this number despite having
recess before lunch ( which has positively effected student behavior ), required physical education ( PE ), and health education . A decision was made that increased the number of required PE minutes by 10 minutes per day for each grade level .
Haskin staff also wrote a successful Safe Routes to School Grant , developed a strong coalition , created a walking school bus program , trained parent volunteers as crossing guards , and developed an after school biking and skateboard program , where equipment is provided free of cost to students . In addition , the school nurse is working with staff , students and parents to educate them on preventative measures to decrease nurse visits and asthma episodes to increase attendance and return to class rates .
Haskin is clearly committed to sustaining their comprehensive approach and integration of school health into the school day . Dedicated staff work tirelessly to continue to expand health and wellness efforts through their philosophy of continuous improvement and their belief that change is required for growth .