2017 Financial Statements - ALEH Jerusalem 2017 Financial Statements - ALEH Jerusalem | Page 9

Translated from Hebrew Aleh Jerusalem Center (R.A.) Financial Statements as of December 31, 2017 Note 6: Fixed Assets Cost Balance at start of year Increases during year Decreases during year Cost as of Dec. 31, 2017 Accumulated depreciation Balance at start of year Imputed depreciation during year Depreciation decreases during year Accumulated depreciation as of Dec. 31, 2017 Depreciated value as of Dec. 31, 2017 Depreciated value as of Dec. 31, 2016 NIS Renovations and construction NIS Furniture and equipment NIS NIS Motor Vehicles Total 67,973,153 6,113,319 - , - 74,086,472 8,835,399 665,486 - , - 9,500,885 366,000 - , - - , - 366,000 77,174,552 6,778,805 - , - 83,953,357 26,813,503 6,436,738 174,186 33,424,427 4,588 ,852 644,762 54,900 5,288,514 - , - - , - - , - - , - 31,402,355 7,081,500 229,086 38,712,941 42,684,117 2,419,3 85 136,914 45,240,416 41,159,650 2,398,661 191,814 43,750,125 Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016 NIS NIS Note 6: Employees and Institutions Employees Provision for vacations Income tax—withheld from salaries National Insurance—withheld from salaries Provident, pension, and advanced training funds 1,342,522 1,144,130 188,839 176,091 345,933 1,343,169 957,925 196,401 174,637 281,055 Total 3,197,515 2,953,187 Aleh Negev Nahalat Eran (R.A.) (see Note 15) Aleh Moriah (R.A.) (see Note 15) 1,608,467 8,562 1,382,378 159,322 Total 1,617,029 1,541,700 Note 8: Accounts Payable Note 9: Provision for Termination of Employee-Employer Relations Severance-pay reserve Less employee-controlled funds Balance Less central severance-pay fund Total 8,672,205 ( 6,173,895 ) 2,498,310 ( 785,289 ) 7,785,169 ( 5,349,349 ) 2,435,820 ( 748,669 ) 1,713,021 1,687,151 - 8 - SZYMONOWICZ SZ & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (ISR) ‫חשבון‬ ‫רואי‬ '‫ושות‬ ‫שמאי‬ ‫שמעונוביץ‬