2017 Financial Statements - ALEH Jerusalem 2017 Financial Statements - ALEH Jerusalem | Page 8

Translated from Hebrew Aleh Jerusalem Center (R.A.) Financial Statements as of December 31, 2017 9. Fixed assets are displayed at cost. Depreciation is calculated by the straight-line method, at annual rates based on the estimated useful life of the assets. The rates of depreciation are as follows: furniture and equipment, 12%–15% per annum; computer equipment, 33% per annum; motor vehicles, 15% per annum; renovations/construction, 4%–10% per annum. 10. The liabilities for the termination of employer-employee relations are calculated according to the employee’s last salary multiplied by the number of years of that individual’s employment, after the end of one full year of work. Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016 NIS NIS Note 3: Cash and Cash Equivalents Current account Forex deposits Deposits up to three months 1,858,960 15,303,122 7,048,670 668,120 11,869,796 6,098,597 Total 24,210,752 18,636, 513 Aleh Moriah (R.A.)—Loan (1) Receivables from residence network project (2) Advances to vendors Aleh—Help for the Special Child (R.A.) Advance payments Checks receivable Other 707,791 - , - 155,899 14,848 29,337 3,610 5,177 - , - 320,000 175,383 122,882 22,902 15,434 7,015 Total 916,662 663,616 Note 4: Accounts Receivable (1) (2) On June 9, 2017, the Association gave the connected association Aleh Moriah (R. A.) a loan of NIS 850,000 for two years. In the reporting year, NIS 142,209 of this loan was returned. In 2015, the Association created a provision of NIS 320,000 for the equipment it purchased which remained in the apartments in the residence network that were transferred to Avukat Or. In 2017, only NIS 279,306 of this amount was received. The balance of the provision was transferred to expenditures Note 5: Income Receivable Ministry of Social Affairs Clalit Health Fund Me’uhedet Health Fund Maccabi Health Fund Leumit Health Fund Child Development Center 1,890,523 2,541,958 686,867 251,266 116,240 - , - 1,280,401 2,313,120 379,575 133,549 284,900 122,088 Total 5,486,854 4,513,633 - 7 - SZYMONOWICZ SZ & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (ISR) ‫חשבון‬ ‫רואי‬ '‫ושות‬ ‫שמאי‬ ‫שמעונוביץ‬