2017 Financial Statements - ALEH Jerusalem 2017 Financial Statements - ALEH Jerusalem | Page 10

Translated from Hebrew Aleh Jerusalem Center (R.A.) Financial Statements as of December 31, 2017 For the year ended Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016 NIS NIS Note 10: Income and Participation Income from Ministry of Social Affairs Income from Ministry of Social Affairs—residence network Income from Ministry of Education Income from Ministry of Health Income from education levies Income from health funds Income from Child Development Center (health funds and others) Donations from Israeli and foreign sources In-kind donations Released from restriction Other income 17,549,286 - , - 10,487,218 - , - 1,232,352 7,902,301 14,948,790 1,790,552 9,377,334 126,995 1,166,406 5,695,007 497,878 3,371,153 - , - 20,448 57,805 416,075 3,124,902 353 - , - 55,341 Total 41,118,441 36,701,755 Medical care Child Development Center Support for special-needs children in the community Education Food and kitchen Linens Rent Maintenance Cleaning Security Miscellaneous 1,907,895 756,831 504,600 739,30 2 586,671 117,839 1,922,328 1,538,002 312,802 380,045 241,373 1,826,427 544,536 576,020 400,948 454,867 113,245 1,921,769 1,207,028 334,824 358,173 228,505 Total operating expenses 9,007,688 7,966,342 Salaries and related expenses Medical care Education and social activities Food and kitchen Linens, clothing, and footwear Rent Maintenance Cleaning and hygiene Miscellaneous Equipment purchases (see note 1(6)) - , - - , - - , - - , - - , - - , - - , - - , - - , - 40,694 862,476 29,732 16,843 82,836 8,152 45,192 31,976 12,856 99,133 4,680 Total operating expenses 40,694 1,193,8 76 Note 11: Operating Expenses Note 12: Operating Expenses—Residence Network - 9 - SZYMONOWICZ SZ & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (ISR) ‫חשבון‬ ‫רואי‬ '‫ושות‬ ‫שמאי‬ ‫שמעונוביץ‬