2017 Financial Statement ALEH Bnei Brak 2017 Financial Statements - ALEH Bnei Brak | Page 6

ALEH - Help for the Special Child Statements of Changes in Net Assets (in thousands New Sheqels) Restricted net assets Unrestricted net assets Accumulated deficit from operations Used for fixed assets* Temporarily restricted (4,976) 49,973 454 45,451 - - 12,405 12,405 2,433 - - 2,433 Transfer of amounts in respect of repayment of loans for the purchase of fixed assets (1,255) 1,255 - - Transfer of amounts used for fixed assets (1,526) 13,945 (12,419) - Amounts transferred to cover depreciation 1,959 (1,959) - - (3,365) 63,214 440 60,289 - - 17,186 17,186 3,134 - - 3,134 (199) 199 - - Transfer of amounts used for fixed assets (3,164) 20,790 (17,626) - Amounts derived from sale of fixed assets 62 (62) - - Amounts transferred to cover depreciation 1,977 (1,977) - - (1,555) 82,164 - 80,609 Balance as of January 1 2016 Total Additions (Deductions) during the year: Grants, allocations and donations Net income for the year Balance as of December 31 2016 Additions (Deductions) during the year: Grants, allocations and donations Net income for the year Transfer of amounts in respect of repayment of loans for the purchase of fixed assets Balance as of December 31 2017 * See Note 4 F -G. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 5