2017 February | Page 9

The Importance of Fire Escape Plans
Fuel Pump Safety

The Importance of Fire Escape Plans

Time is your biggest enemy when escaping from a burning building . In less than 30 seconds , a small flame can get completely out of control and can turn into a major fire .
Proper planning may mean the difference between life and death . When creating a fire escape plan , incorporate the following elements :
• Use the back of your hand to feel the top of the door , the doorknob and the crack between the door and the frame to make sure that the fire is not directly outside . If the door feels hot , use a secondary exit . If the door feels cool , brace yourself against it and open it slowly .
• Do not waste any time trying to save your personal property . Instead , take the safest exit route .
• If you must escape through smoke , crawl low under the smoke and cover your mouth .
• Establish a meeting place outside of the home where everyone knows to go once they are safely out . Designate one person to go to a neighbor ’ s house to call the fire department .
• Never go back into a burning home for any reason .
Every member of your family should practice the escape plan each month both in the light and in the dark so that everyone knows how to get out of the house .

Fuel Pump Safety

Though fuel pump accidents are rare , it is important to be aware of the inherent dangers of filling your tank . To avoid potential fueling hazards , follow these safety guidelines :
• Turn off your engine before beginning to refuel .
• Never smoke , light matches or use lighters when refueling at the pump or when you are using gasoline anywhere else .
• Stay outside of your vehicle while you are refueling in case something goes wrong and you need to press the emergency stop button .
• Never use your cellphone or other electronic devices while filling up your tank . Static electricity from the device can cause the fuel to ignite when phones or other devices light up when they ring .
In the event that static electricity does cause a fire to occur , leave the nozzle in the fill pipe and move away from your vehicle . Then , notify the station attendant immediately so he or she can rectify the problem and call for assistance .
Snow Shoveling Safety
Snow removal is critical to ensuring the safety of pedestrians using your walkways . However , shoveling is a strenuous activity — one that requires good form and precaution .
To stay safe when shoveling , keep in mind the following :
• Warm up and stretch before shoveling .
• Shovel at a slow pace to avoid overexerting yourself .
• Push snow instead of lifting it .
• Bend from your knees and not your back .
• Avoid twisting when lifting .
Keep in mind that shoveling can be very stressful on the heart . Be sure to stop shoveling and call 911 if you experience chest discomfort , shortness of breath , dizziness or nausea .