2017 English 2017 Winter English | Page 24

ABBA Peru- Pastor Artemio Rivera ( Lima , Peru )

Where Does My Help Come From ?

The Lima youth conference was quickly approaching . On July 31 , thirteen hundred youth would gather at the Alianza Cristiana y Misionera church . Our coordinator team thought we were prepared , but a month before the conference , two mighty storms threatened our perfect plans .
After calculating the operation costs and rental fee of four thousand soles , we realized that the five soles we had collected per attendee would cover all the costs except for lunch . We felt uneasy asking for more as many of the youth came from regions of low income , but it also meant we would not be able to provide lunch for those who came as we did not have any funds .
But a more looming challenge presented itself . As a result of settling a five-week long regional teacher strike in Lima , the school board decided to commence Saturday classes and reduce the number of non-contact days . Now , one of those days that the students needed to attend school was July 31 , the day of our conference ! We pleaded with the board , but the decision was made . What could we do ? We were discouraged . We could not tell the youth to intentionally miss class nor could we reschedule the revival . This year ’ s conference seemed doomed to fail , but I felt God ’ s words resonate deeply in my heart .
“ Depend on me , not on man !”
In faith , we opted to not cancel the conference . Fifteen days before the conference , a pastor from Villa El Salvador church came to the office to register her church youth for the conference . She asked if there was lunch for the youth and when we broke the sad news to her , she responded with the best news possible .
“ I will give 3,500 soles to provide lunch for all the youth . I do not want anyone to know my name because this is what the Lord has asked of me and put in my heart .”
I was at a complete loss for words . While it was not enough to cover the total cost , I could feel God was still not done with his promise . A few days later , I received a call from the directors of the church we were renting . They said that God had put it upon their hearts not to charge the rental fee and we could use their facilities for free . In just a week , God had provided what we could not . On the morning of the conference , we gathered in the sanctuary and prayed . We did not know how many youth would choose to miss school , but we were going to depend on God . Buses started to pull up and hundreds of youth started to pour out . God had moved the hearts of the teachers to allow the students to miss class without any repercussions !
How marvelous is our God . I believe when the psalmist says , “ How precious , oh God is your mercy ! For this reason , the children of men will be protected under the shadow of your wings . This is all for the glory of God .” We thank the Lord for His grace , love , and kindness that allowed us to finish this ABBA Peru Lima conference strong . Our help is in the name of Jehovah , who made the heavens , the earth , and all living things . His mercy is forever ! Amen !