2017-2018 Issue 11 | Page 27

Michael Champagne

Teacher/Newspaper and Yearbook Advisor

I have been with Archbishop Shaw for the past eleven years, and for me this year has been bittersweet. I have been a part of of the technology upgrades and teaching Multimedia courses over my tenure at Shaw. I have seen a lot of students go through my doors and have felt the sorrow of their departures.

Until the past couple of years, I was tasked with instructing students in the Multimedia classes as well as Computer Technology Literacy. Then I was introduced to journalism. It was in this environment that I was able to shine the brightest. Not because of my work but because of the extraordinary students that I had the gratification of working with in both programs. This however, will be my finale.

After this school year, I will be retiring and will miss these two jobs the most. I have been blessed with remarkable staffs since taking this position three years ago and have one of, if not the, best staffs this year of any.

My staff this year has taught me how dedicated and ambitious high school students can be when they want something special. They have been dedicated to their jobs and have taken them seriously.

Our newspaper has spread its wings and our yearbook looks to be the best ever to come out of Shaw.

My pride and gratitude have overwhelmed me at times when I look at my students working on their news articles or yearbook spreads. They have begun to take a major step into adulthood. Their tenacity and perseverance have proved this time and again.

I hope that what I have instilled in them will carry throughout their lives and in some small measure, and that they will remember me when they have children of their own,

It is with regret and joy that I write this final essay for a newspaper that I have grown to love.

Know that I am always with you and will miss you all more than you can ever know.

Mr. C