2017-2018 Issue 1 | Page 6

Welcome New Faculty Members

By: Quincy Evans, Hunter Guillot, Anthony Ribando

As the 2017-2018 school year begins, we now have a total of nine new faculty members. We welcome them with open arms as they come in this year and bring in to Archbishop Shaw, both in academics and in athletics.

Mr. John Beauchamp- Mr. Beauchamp is a well organized man. He loves what Shaw has to offer and the students are giving him a lot of respect. He also taught at a school by the name of Sillimam. He teaches World Geography for 8th and 9th graders as well as an American History for 11th graders. He is going to be a baseball coach when the season starts. He wants to make Shaw better by trying to get students to have a bigger interest in History.

Mr. Kenneth Bourgeois- Mr. Bourgeois is a new football coach at Shaw. He teaches Earth Science, P.E., and English. For the reason he came to Shaw, he said he wanted to come home to the westbank. When it comes to helping the students, he wants to help them by bringing a winning culture to the school. Before he came to Shaw, he coached and taught at other schools.

Mr. Beau Briner- Mr. Briner is an alumni from 2003 that is now a teacher and a coach here at Shaw. He started as a screenwriter and wrote for a play that went on for 2 seasons. He is very passionate about his work and he also believes students should have a better understanding of literature to make them look professional. He’s also here to make a positive play on the football team and to help them be the best they can be in the future. Mr. Briner is a coach that doesn’t quit and he is planning to stay until the very end.

Mr. Antonio Cercena- Mr. Antonio was originally from Delaware and then came down to NOLA to spread his teachings to other places. He originally taught at an all girl school in DC and then came down here to teach religion at Shaw. Mr. Antonio teaches 8th and 9th grade Religion and French classes. He teaches Religion because he has a masters in theology and uses that to spread the faith. When Shaw needed a french teacher the most