2016 ONS Education Catalog | Page 10

Fundamentals MATTER Keep it simple. Think fundamentals. Chemotherapy How prepared? How often? Knowledge + Frequency = Best Choice. Chemotherapy Biotherapy: Fundamentals of Administration Contact hours: 9.1 • member: $99 • nonmember: $139 Choose the chemotherapy biotherapy administration course that matches your level. Low volume administer more than once a month. This course is for nurses who administer chemotherapy and biotherapy agents on an infrequent basis and provides the fundamentals of safe chemotherapy administration. Course Topics • Types of Chemotherapy • Types of Biotherapy and Targeted Therapy Best Choice = ONS/ONCC Chemotherapy Biotherapy Certificate Course* • Drug Administration • Safe Handling * Prerequisite: experience administering chemotherapy, biotherapy for at least six months before taking this course is advised Completion of this course includes: Completion of this course includes: Completion of the ONS/ONCC Chemotherapy Biotherapy Certificate Course gains the ONCC certificate of added qualification. ONS Provider Card • Complications of Chemotherapy Infusion • Caring for Patients Chemotherapy Biotherapy: Fundamentals of Administration Renewal ONS Provider Card Course coming in 2018. E-Book: Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Guidelines and Recommendations for Practice E-Book: Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Guidelines and Recommendations for Practice 12 ONCC Certificate of Added Qualification