2016 NPAA Magazine 2016 - Volume 1 | Page 46

100 TIPS


Chuck Thomson is Natural Bodybuilding ’ s Iron Man of Competing . After achieving the incredible goal of doing 100 shows , we asked Chuck to share his top 100 tips about health , fitness , and competing . Chuck exhibits incredible sportsmanship , and with his level of knowledge , the NPAA is so grateful to share this article with the NPAA fit family !
40 .
1 . follow your passions .
2 . keep a positive mental attitude
3 . You can ’ t afford the luxury of a negative thought
4 . make sure that you make lists during contest preparation
5 . pack everything in gym bags for contest : 1 for all of your contest stuff , 1 for food , 1 for clean clothes , and 1 that contains cleaning products to clean up after yourself ,
6 . don ’ t apply Pro-tan with the foam brush that comes with the bottle ( 40 min ./ coat ). Use a kitchen sponge which goes much quicker and fewer streaks ( 5 coats in 40 min .).
7 . drink water on the day of a show
8 . no need to cut water before a contest
9 . stick to your meal schedule on the day of a show
10 . only bring dark clothing and towels to a show .
11 . yellow is a terrible suit color for posing trunks
12 . payback to the body is necessary for the mind and body
13 . the combination of chocolate , niacin , and water are excellent vasodilators
14 . nothing that you do leading up to a show prepares you for the actual day
15 . always have a back up posing suit
16 . if you cheat on the diet remember 1 day does not undo 6 weeks
17 . self discipline is a must in this sport
18 . plan out your weeks training on Sunday
19 . always try and be better this year than you were last year .
20 . it is not a matter of achieving the goals
but rather exceeding them
21 . Too hard to hold the contest day look and important to have some payback to the body for what you have done to it to get ready for the show .
22 . enjoy the show day experience , each one is unique
23 . have a strong support system
24 . listen to your body
25 . the people who make it to a show are the survivors , and have overcome all of the obstacles that were in their path , thus it doesn ’ t matter whether you are first or last in the show you have survived whereas the people that didn ’ t compete fell by the wayside on their journey .
26 . surround yourself with positive people
27 . pack only the essentials in your competition bag that you take to the show .
28 . a shower on the morning of a show is awesome
29 . carbs need water in order to migrate into the muscles to make them fuller .
30 . each molecule of glycogen ( stored form of carbohydrate in the body ) is bonded to 2 water molecules .
31 . it takes 10 hours to rehydrate the body .
32 . natural bodybuilding is a lifestyle change .
33 . to be well rounded you need interests outside of bodybuilding .
34 . high carbs with no water can cause the body to spill and flatten out the look .
35 . it is the people that you meet on your journey that makes it so worthwhile .
36 . the best progress that you made was when you trained 3 times a week when you started .
37 . select compound movements that
have a high NMA ( neuromuscular activation level )
38 . the best exercises are the ones that move the body through space .
39 . more is not always better .
40 . first or last you are farther ahead of all of those who never made it to the show .
41 . have a healthy attitude towards your body .
42 . the mind will quit a thousand times before the body ever will .
43 . each new day provides us with challenges obstacles , and adventures .
44 . the more variety of food choices the better it is .
45 . there are no magic foods .
46 . the only magic in bodybuilding is hard work .
47 . we have the most expensive urine in the world .
48 . whether it is your 1st show or 100th show you learn a lot about yourself during the journey .
49 . if you use Dream Tan you need 2 showers after the show , for the 1st use baby oil or olive oil and then for the second use soap and water to get the product off .
50 . human beings are not capable of multitasking , our brains are not wired that way . We can only focus on one thing at a time but we can switch quickly from task to task .
51 . you can do anything that you want you just can ’ t do everything .
52 . a trophy and a handshake are not worth doing PED ’ s to acquire them .
53 . I take a week off after 12 weeks of training , rest days are just as important as workout days and must be scripted into your regime .