2016 NPAA Magazine 2016 - Volume 1 | Page 31

How to Squat Properly

Before performing a squat , keep hips loose and mobile with hip stretches to help stabilize the movement around the pelvis and the knees during a squat .
Througout the movement knees should be lined up with the toes keeping the ankle mobile and the feet planted firmly .
Keep spine neutral and chest “ proud ”. For a good squat you need to remember to have good lower back stability and upper back mobility . Start standing , with good posture . Feet can be anywhere from close together , with toes pointed forwards , to wide , with toes pointed out . Experiment and find which foot placement works best for you .
1 . Take a deep breath , lifting the ribcage .
2 . Keeping this “ proud chest ”, push the butt back first , then sit down . ( Imagine sitting down in a chair that ’ s not there , or sitting down on the toilet .)
3 . Let the torso tip forward naturally from the hips as the butt shifts back .
4 . Keep heels down .
5 . Go down until your hamstrings touch your calves . ( Or as far down as you can go , for starters .)
6 . Drive through the heels , and keeping chest “ proud ” and head up , ascend .
“ There is simply no other exercise , and certainly no machine , that produces the level of central nervous system activity , improved balance and coordination , skeletal loading and bone density enhancement , muscular stimulation and growth , connective tissue stress and strength , psychological demand and toughness , and overall systemic conditioning than the correctly performed full squat .” – Mark Rippetoe , author of Starting Strength
When an individual understands the basic mechanics of such an effective exercise they will be able to better utilize the squat without any pain or discomfort . And , will hopefully enlighten our friend the “ meat head ” into safer , and more effective ways to attain “ diamond cut quads maaan ” . The squat is such a primal movement pattern that involves nearly every muscle in the body . It improves balance , endurance and work capacity , flexibility , strength , and mobility . The use of the squat to improve these abilities has its practical uses in daily living which would include picking up a child , bags of groceries , manual labour in the garden , getting out of a chair , and improving overall mobility . Hopefully the following has debunked the myth of “ squats aren ’ t good for my knees ” and has motivated you to get squatting .
Written by : Eldridge Abat
References : www . stumptuous . com / learning-the-squat-2-why-squat “ Why squat ” Learning the Squat 1 : Debunking the myths . Krista Scott-Dixon www . precisionnutrition . com / all-about-the-squat . Ryan Andrews
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