2016 NPAA Magazine 2016 - Volume 1 | Page 27


sets : 4

reps :


rest : 10 seconds between sets

Superset Exercise

1 & 2

Superset Exercise

3 & 4

Superset Exercise

5 & 6

1 . 2 .

3 . 4 .

5 . 6 .


Exercise 1 Overgrip lat pull down
Exercise 2 Underhand grip reverse pull down


Exercise 3 Dumbell bicep curl
Exercise 4 Cable bicep curl


Exercise 5 Tricep Cable rope extensions
Exercise 6 Tricep dumbbell kickback
There is no doubt that the bikini and fitness model world is obsessed with building the perfect posterior , attaining shoulder caps that are enviable and a core that jaws drop for . The icons in the bikini industry flood our social media imagery with gym selfies at the squat rack , yet a little secret about their true training protocol is often ignored nor advertised to the masses . Yes a pro level bikini model trains her glutes , hamstrings and quads often to the point of hobbling home after the gym …. but what about arms day ?
A top-notch bikini competitor must work hard to balance great shoulders and a glute shelf with incredible arms , and they must train to create the illusion of sleek curves by developing a delicate balance of defined back muscles .
Our most marketable BC athlete for 2015 , Marina Zimmerman , is the perfect example of a balanced physique . Here she demonstrates what we call “ The bread and butter workout ” ( rather … the meat and sweet potatoes workout ) of building a great back and arms !
This protocol is simple , works , and some variation of this program always seems to find its way into the best “ arms ” day sessions . The wonderful thing about this grouping of exercises is the infinite possibilities . When it comes to designing the upper body protocol as a coach you can giant set , superset , add drop sets or reverse drop sets , adjust the reps , tempo and rest periods to meet the goals of a specific athlete .
Overall have fun ! We look forward to seeing great balanced physiques on the NPAA stage .
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