2016 Miniature Horse WORLD Issues October/November 2016 Vol 32 No 5 | Page 85

eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping
–* This
horsekeeping is a great question
* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping then he rubs
tips himself
* horsekeeping against the stall , fences , tips * orsekeeping of all , I want to tips bring
* up horsekeeping the issue that there tips In * contrast horsekeeping , these tips * horsekeeping etc ., where the eggs stick tips
* horsekeeping for another are many different parasites that can infect horse to ingest them .
eping horses tips , and * each horsekeeping has a different life cycle tips and * horsekeeping parasites tips are * still horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * epidemiology of transmission . Consequently ,
A deworming program targeting these other orsekeeping I cannot broadly tips address * horsekeeping these questions a tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping parasites is required . tips Treatment * horsekeeping
recommendations vary depending on climate , but given a major concern single response . In addition , my response to eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * your question addresses parasites and control the climate in New Mexico and the parasites orsekeeping for adult horses tips only--foals * horsekeeping require a completely different worm control program .
tips in * horsekeeping the dry tips * horsekeeping we aim to control there tips , one * horsekeeping
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping Southwest tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
I would recommend the following : So long orsekeeping important parasites tips of * horses horsekeeping and are the tips because * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping as you do not see signs tips of parasitic * horsekeeping disease , primary target of control programs . There treat all horses once per year November eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * are two types--small strongyles and large this region horses
( after a hard frost has ended fly activity ) with orsekeeping strongyles . Large tips strongyles * horsekeeping used to be a tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping either ivermectin or tips moxidectin * horsekeeping
( Quest ). A major concern , but these have become very second treatment might be needed the eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping typically tips are uncommon in recent decades . In contrast ,
* horsekeeping summer if tips any signs * horsekeeping of infection are seen . tips * small strongyles are as common as ever and
Ivermectin and moxidectin are recommended here because these orsekeeping are the primary
tips concern
* horsekeeping for horses in most tips dewormed * horsekeeping much tips * horsekeeping tips have the
* horsekeeping best efficacy eping areas tips of the
* world horsekeeping
. tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping against the tips parasites
* horsekeeping of greatest concern in less frequently . tips *
New Mexico : Habronema , Draschia , Onchocerca , and bots . tips * horsekeeping
orsekeeping When you see tips strongyle * eggs horsekeeping a fecal , tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping usually greater than 99 % of these are small eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
Bots are tips
* horsekeeping Lastly , it ’ s tips important * horsekeeping to mind that in tips * transmitted to horses that graze pastures . orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips considered * horsekeeping a major most areas where strongyles and tapeworms tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
So , approaching the topic of parasite control are the parasites of greatest importance , eping dry tips areas * like horsekeeping New Mexico is a bit tips different than most other parts of the country . becomes clinically apparent . Thus , preventive
* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping much damage tips can * horsekeeping be caused before it cause of disease , tips * orsekeeping Unless the hay tips you purchase * horsekeeping is coming from tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping deworming is usually tips recommended * horsekeeping at high but they remain pastures where horses are grazing ( highly transmission times of the year . In contrast ,
eping unlikely tips ), the * horsekeeping hay will not have any infective tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping if your horses tips are * infected horsekeeping with Habronema , tips * strongyle larvae ; thus , it is completely safe to orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips
* horsekeeping
throughout the country tips * horsekeeping . infection tips with these * horsekeeping parasites are easily tips *
Draschia , Onchocerca , or pinworms , you tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping feed ( as far as parasites are concerned ). will quickly know because the signs of eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
Tapeworms are transmitted by soil mites that recognized . Therefore , I recommend a orsekeeping serve as an intermediate tips * horsekeeping host . These mites tips Lastly , * pinworms horsekeeping are directly transmitted tips * horsekeeping single yearly deworming tips as * horsekeeping a preventive will be present hay , but , once again , unless from one to another . This happens measure , then any additional treatments can eping tips there were
* horsekeeping horses grazing the pastures
tips * horsekeeping most easily stalls and tips corrals * because horsekeeping pinworms cause the ’ s back end to itch , be given on
tips an as-needed
* horsekeeping basis . tips * orsekeeping from which the tips hay was
* harvested horsekeeping
, the mites tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping will not be infected . Thus , it will be virtually
eping impossible tips * for horsekeeping your to become infected with tapeworms , making it unnecessary www . BreederAlert . com
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping to treat your horse tips for * tapeworms horsekeeping strongyles ( unless you take him to another area of
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * the country and he grazes ). If you checked
PO Box 1869 orsekeeping a fecal on your tips horse *, it horsekeeping ’ s unlikely that you
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * 541-582-2101 horsekeeping would see any eggs . mare @ breederalert . com
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
• Completely Re-Designed orsekeeping flies transmit ; tips thus , all * horses horsekeeping , whether grazing or not , are susceptible to infection . These tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping System with new Patent
Pending Electronics eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips •* Our horsekeeping smaller than a credit tips * include bots ( Gasterophilus ), the stomach card mare transmitter orsekeeping worms Habronema tips and * horsekeeping Draschia , and Onchocerca . Habronema and Draschia are re-
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping weighs tips only 1.48oz * horsekeeping ! eping sponsible tips for * horsekeeping producing “ summer sores tips ,” * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * built-in horsekeeping Telephone Auto tips *
• New Pager identifies which orsekeeping been associated
tips with moon
* horsekeeping blindness and fistulous tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping mare is sending alarm ( up eping tips withers
* horsekeeping
. Interestingly , most tips of the to 20 )
* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
orsekeeping Onchocerca have tips become * horsekeeping relatively rare as tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
eping many tips decades--especially * horsekeeping with ivermectin tips . * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping
–* This
horsekeeping is a great question
. First
* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping then he rubs
tips himself
* horsekeeping against the stall , fences , tips * orsekeeping of all , I want to tips bring

* up horsekeeping the issue that there tips In * contrast horsekeeping , these tips * horsekeeping etc ., where the eggs stick tips

, waiting
* horsekeeping for another are many different parasites that can infect horse to ingest them .

eping horses tips , and * each horsekeeping has a different life cycle tips and * horsekeeping parasites tips are * still horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * epidemiology of transmission . Consequently ,

A deworming program targeting these other orsekeeping I cannot broadly tips address * horsekeeping these questions a tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping parasites is required . tips Treatment * horsekeeping

recommendations vary depending on climate , but given a major concern single response . In addition , my response to eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * your question addresses parasites and control the climate in New Mexico and the parasites orsekeeping for adult horses tips only--foals * horsekeeping require a completely different worm control program .

ments per year is all that is required .

tips in * horsekeeping the dry tips * horsekeeping we aim to control there tips , one * horsekeeping

two treat-

eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping Southwest tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *

In most of the world , strongyles are the most

I would recommend the following : So long orsekeeping important parasites tips of * horses horsekeeping and are the tips because * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping as you do not see signs tips of parasitic * horsekeeping disease , primary target of control programs . There treat all horses once per year November eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * are two types--small strongyles and large this region horses

( after a hard frost has ended fly activity ) with orsekeeping strongyles . Large tips strongyles * horsekeeping used to be a tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping either ivermectin or tips moxidectin * horsekeeping

( Quest ). A major concern , but these have become very second treatment might be needed the eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping typically tips are uncommon in recent decades . In contrast ,

* horsekeeping summer if tips any signs * horsekeeping of infection are seen . tips * small strongyles are as common as ever and
Ivermectin and moxidectin are recommended here because these orsekeeping are the primary
tips concern

* horsekeeping for horses in most tips dewormed * horsekeeping much tips * horsekeeping tips have the

* horsekeeping best efficacy eping areas tips of the
* world horsekeeping
. tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping against the tips parasites

* horsekeeping of greatest concern in less frequently . tips *

New Mexico : Habronema , Draschia , Onchocerca , and bots . tips * horsekeeping
orsekeeping When you see tips strongyle * eggs horsekeeping a fecal , tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping usually greater than 99 % of these are small eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping

Bots are tips

not strongyles . However , strongyles are only

* horsekeeping Lastly , it ’ s tips important * horsekeeping to mind that in tips * transmitted to horses that graze pastures . orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips considered * horsekeeping a major most areas where strongyles and tapeworms tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping

So , approaching the topic of parasite control are the parasites of greatest importance , eping dry tips areas * like horsekeeping New Mexico is a bit tips different than most other parts of the country . becomes clinically apparent . Thus , preventive

* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping much damage tips can * horsekeeping be caused before it cause of disease , tips * orsekeeping Unless the hay tips you purchase * horsekeeping is coming from tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping deworming is usually tips recommended * horsekeeping at high but they remain pastures where horses are grazing ( highly transmission times of the year . In contrast ,

eping unlikely tips ), the * horsekeeping hay will not have any infective tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping if your horses tips are * infected horsekeeping with Habronema , tips * strongyle larvae ; thus , it is completely safe to orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips


* horsekeeping

throughout the country tips * horsekeeping . infection tips with these * horsekeeping parasites are easily tips *

Draschia , Onchocerca , or pinworms , you tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping feed ( as far as parasites are concerned ). will quickly know because the signs of eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
Tapeworms are transmitted by soil mites that recognized . Therefore , I recommend a orsekeeping serve as an intermediate tips * horsekeeping host . These mites tips Lastly , * pinworms horsekeeping are directly transmitted tips * horsekeeping single yearly deworming tips as * horsekeeping a preventive will be present hay , but , once again , unless from one to another . This happens measure , then any additional treatments can eping tips there were
* horsekeeping horses grazing the pastures
tips * horsekeeping most easily stalls and tips corrals * because horsekeeping pinworms cause the ’ s back end to itch , be given on
tips an as-needed
* horsekeeping basis . tips * orsekeeping from which the tips hay was
* harvested horsekeeping
, the mites tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping will not be infected . Thus , it will be virtually
eping impossible tips * for horsekeeping your to become infected with tapeworms , making it unnecessary www . BreederAlert . com
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping to treat your horse tips for * tapeworms horsekeeping strongyles ( unless you take him to another area of
Allsman Enterprises , LLC
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * the country and he grazes ). If you checked
PO Box 1869 orsekeeping a fecal on your tips horse *, it horsekeeping ’ s unlikely that you
Rogue River , OR 97537
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * 541-582-2101 horsekeeping would see any eggs . mare @ breederalert . com
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
However , there are some other parasites that
• Completely Re-Designed orsekeeping flies transmit ; tips thus , all * horses horsekeeping , whether grazing or not , are susceptible to infection . These tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping System with new Patent
Pending Electronics eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips •* Our horsekeeping smaller than a credit tips * include bots ( Gasterophilus ), the stomach card mare transmitter orsekeeping worms Habronema tips and * horsekeeping Draschia , and Onchocerca . Habronema and Draschia are re-
• Every System includes
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping weighs tips only 1.48oz * horsekeeping ! eping sponsible tips for * horsekeeping producing “ summer sores tips ,” * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * built-in horsekeeping Telephone Auto tips *
Dialer and Pocket Pager and Onchocerca causes dermatitis and has
• New Pager identifies which orsekeeping been associated
tips with moon
* horsekeeping blindness and fistulous tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping mare is sending alarm ( up eping tips withers
* horsekeeping
. Interestingly , most tips of the to 20 )
* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
United States , Habronema , Draschia , and
• Ask about our New Lower Pricing
orsekeeping Onchocerca have tips become * horsekeeping relatively rare as tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
• In the U . S . since 1979 a consequence of frequent dewormings over
eping many tips decades--especially * horsekeeping with ivermectin tips . * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016 Miniature Horse World 83
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
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