2016 Miniature Horse WORLD Issues August/September 2016 Vol 32, #4 | Page 48

eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping
Does tips
* horsekeeping
Horse tips
* horsekeeping
Rest tips
?* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping By tips Christa * horsekeeping Lesté-Lasserre tips * horsekeeping , MA tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping
tips of soiled * horsekeeping bedding to the manure tips bin , * horsekeeping the effect of the available tips space * allowance horsekeeping / ground — 150 tips % of * the horsekeeping surface area required , tips * you ’ ve probably wondered , at one time dimensions ( meters squared ) of the ( bedded ) area
Rufener said . orsekeeping or another , if your
tips horses
* horsekeeping really need all those tips
*.” horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping shavings tips or
* straw horsekeeping their stalls . Wonder
tips no
* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
They also tips found that
* horsekeeping regardless of the bed-tipded dimensions , low-ranking horses spent
* more : New research shows that bedding The greatest incidences of lying behavior
orsekeeping does matter , and tips so does * horsekeeping the amount of bedding available . In fact , the greater the sur- time lying down ) all horses occurred the no shavings than high-ranking horses , she
tips ( the frequency * horsekeeping of lying bouts and tips length of * horsekeeping more time lying down tips in areas * with horsekeeping fewer eping face tips area of * soft horsekeeping bedding ( straw shavings tips ) * horsekeeping largest bedding condition tips — 150 *% MBR horsekeeping . added . But tips in the * 150 horsekeeping % MBR conditions , tips * available — that is , the size of the area that is higher-ranking horses less frequently “ required ” lower-ranking horses to get up and
orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping bedded — the more time horses spend lying eping down tips . * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping liberate the tips bedding * horsekeeping area before they were tips * ready , compared to 100 % and 50 % MBR . orsekeeping Longer times tips spent lying * horsekeeping down are important , as they allow horses to recover from often prevent lower-ranking horses from get-
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping This is important , as tips higher-ranking * horsekeeping
horses eping stress tips and exercise * horsekeeping , promoting better equine tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping ting the rest tips they * need horsekeeping group scenarios , tips *
welfare , said Christina Rufener , a master ’ s she said . orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping student at the Ethology and Animal Welfare eping Unit tips at ETH * horsekeeping Zurich , Switzerland tips . She * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * presented her findings at the 10th Annual
orsekeeping Swiss Equine tips Research * Day horsekeeping , held April tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping
Rufener and tips colleagues
* horsekeeping assessed 38 horses tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping divided into eight groups , each of which
eping lived tips in group * horsekeeping housing and were tested tips in * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * four different bedding scenarios based on
orsekeeping Swiss welfare requirements tips * horsekeeping . The law requires tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping that horses be offered a minimum surface eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
area of bedding — straw or shavings — as a Rufener ’ s study conditions tested percentages of * the horsekeeping minimum bedding required tips ( or * horsekeeping Higher-ranking horses tips often * prevent horsekeeping lower- orsekeeping function of their tips body * height horsekeeping . For example , a tips
eping situation tips should * horsekeeping have at least 75 ft ² ( 7.5 tips m ²) * horsekeeping again , the resting area — tips as follows * : horsekeeping need group tips scenarios * horsekeeping . tips * of “ resting area .” ( That ’ s roughly an 8.6-byorsekeeping 8.6-foot bedded tips area ,* though horsekeeping not necessarily tips
*% of
horsekeeping the surface area tips * horsekeeping Without the bedding tips , however * horsekeeping
, the horses required per horse ; a perfect square , required for each horse .) rarely lie down , Rufener relayed . Providing eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
Essentially , the larger the horse , the larger his 2 .) 100 % of the surface area comfortable bedding is , therefore , critical to orsekeeping resting area must tips be . * horsekeeping tips required
* horsekeeping per ; tips * horsekeeping equine welfare , she said tips . * horsekeeping
eping Within tips the * resting horsekeeping area the study tips , the * horsekeeping required per ; and tips * horsekeeping “ Our study tips showed * horsekeeping that horses prefer lying tips * depth of the bedding “ was always sufficient down on bedding and that hard rubber mats orsekeeping ( more than 10 tips centimeters * horsekeeping , nearly 4 inches ),” tips 4 .) Rubber * horsekeeping mats with no straw tips * horsekeeping
tips * support
horsekeeping surface eping tips said study
* horsekeeping co-author Joan-Bryce tips
* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping for them ,” tips
* said horsekeeping
. tips *
PhD , of the Ethology and Animal Welfare orsekeeping Unit at ETH tips Zurich ,* study horsekeeping co-author . “ But tips The greatest * horsekeeping incidences of lying tips behavior * horsekeeping “ The minimum statutory tips bedding * horsekeeping
eping question tips , (* so ) horsekeeping we can ’ t make any statements tips * horsekeeping time lying down ) all tips horses * occurred horsekeeping but there tips are large * differences horsekeeping among indi-tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
46 Miniature Horse World August / September 2016 eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping

Does tips


* horsekeeping

Horse tips


* horsekeeping

Rest tips

?* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *

Give Him More Bedded Space

orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping By tips Christa * horsekeeping Lesté-Lasserre tips * horsekeeping , MA tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping

If you ’ ve ever carted wheelbarrow loads about it ,” she said . “ We solely tested for the bedding condition covering the most

tips of soiled * horsekeeping bedding to the manure tips bin , * horsekeeping the effect of the available tips space * allowance horsekeeping / ground — 150 tips % of * the horsekeeping surface area required , tips * you ’ ve probably wondered , at one time dimensions ( meters squared ) of the ( bedded ) area
Rufener said . orsekeeping or another , if your
tips horses
* horsekeeping really need all those tips
*.” horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping shavings tips or
* straw horsekeeping their stalls . Wonder
tips no
* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
They also tips found that
* horsekeeping regardless of the bed-tipded dimensions , low-ranking horses spent
* more : New research shows that bedding The greatest incidences of lying behavior
orsekeeping does matter , and tips so does * horsekeeping the amount of bedding available . In fact , the greater the sur- time lying down ) all horses occurred the no shavings than high-ranking horses , she
tips ( the frequency * horsekeeping of lying bouts and tips length of * horsekeeping more time lying down tips in areas * with horsekeeping fewer eping face tips area of * soft horsekeeping bedding ( straw shavings tips ) * horsekeeping largest bedding condition tips — 150 *% MBR horsekeeping . added . But tips in the * 150 horsekeeping % MBR conditions , tips * available — that is , the size of the area that is higher-ranking horses less frequently “ required ” lower-ranking horses to get up and
orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping bedded — the more time horses spend lying eping down tips . * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping liberate the tips bedding * horsekeeping area before they were tips * ready , compared to 100 % and 50 % MBR . orsekeeping Longer times tips spent lying * horsekeeping down are important , as they allow horses to recover from often prevent lower-ranking horses from get-
tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping This is important , as tips higher-ranking * horsekeeping
horses eping stress tips and exercise * horsekeeping , promoting better equine tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping ting the rest tips they * need horsekeeping group scenarios , tips *
welfare , said Christina Rufener , a master ’ s she said . orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping student at the Ethology and Animal Welfare eping Unit tips at ETH * horsekeeping Zurich , Switzerland tips . She * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * presented her findings at the 10th Annual
orsekeeping Swiss Equine tips Research * Day horsekeeping , held April tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
Avenches .
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping
Rufener and tips colleagues
* horsekeeping assessed 38 horses tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping divided into eight groups , each of which
eping lived tips in group * horsekeeping housing and were tested tips in * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * four different bedding scenarios based on
orsekeeping Swiss welfare requirements tips * horsekeeping . The law requires tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping that horses be offered a minimum surface eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
area of bedding — straw or shavings — as a Rufener ’ s study conditions tested percentages of * the horsekeeping minimum bedding required tips ( or * horsekeeping Higher-ranking horses tips often * prevent horsekeeping lower- orsekeeping function of their tips body * height horsekeeping . For example , a tips
17-hand ( 170 cm ) a group housing MBR ) by the Swiss equine welfare laws — ranking horses from getting the rest they
eping situation tips should * horsekeeping have at least 75 ft ² ( 7.5 tips m ²) * horsekeeping again , the resting area — tips as follows * : horsekeeping need group tips scenarios * horsekeeping . tips * of “ resting area .” ( That ’ s roughly an 8.6-byorsekeeping 8.6-foot bedded tips area ,* though horsekeeping not necessarily tips
1 .) 150
*% of
horsekeeping the surface area tips * horsekeeping Without the bedding tips , however * horsekeeping
, the horses required per horse ; a perfect square , required for each horse .) rarely lie down , Rufener relayed . Providing eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
Essentially , the larger the horse , the larger his 2 .) 100 % of the surface area comfortable bedding is , therefore , critical to orsekeeping resting area must tips be . * horsekeeping tips required
* horsekeeping per ; tips * horsekeeping equine welfare , she said tips . * horsekeeping
3 .) 50 % of the surface area
eping Within tips the * resting horsekeeping area the study tips , the * horsekeeping required per ; and tips * horsekeeping “ Our study tips showed * horsekeeping that horses prefer lying tips * depth of the bedding “ was always sufficient down on bedding and that hard rubber mats orsekeeping ( more than 10 tips centimeters * horsekeeping , nearly 4 inches ),” tips 4 .) Rubber * horsekeeping mats with no straw tips * horsekeeping
( alone ) are not an adequate
tips * support
horsekeeping surface eping tips said study
* horsekeeping co-author Joan-Bryce tips
Burla , shavings .
* horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping for them ,” tips
* said horsekeeping
. tips *
PhD , of the Ethology and Animal Welfare orsekeeping Unit at ETH tips Zurich ,* study horsekeeping co-author . “ But tips The greatest * horsekeeping incidences of lying tips behavior * horsekeeping “ The minimum statutory tips bedding * horsekeeping
requirements ( in Switzerland ) seem to be adequate ,
( bedding depth ) was not part of our research ( the frequency of lying bouts and length of
eping question tips , (* so ) horsekeeping we can ’ t make any statements tips * horsekeeping time lying down ) all tips horses * occurred horsekeeping but there tips are large * differences horsekeeping among indi-tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
46 Miniature Horse World August / September 2016 eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *