2016 Miniature Horse WORLD Issues August/September 2016 Vol 32, #4 | Page 28

The initial exam on each of my horses showed they all had a few issues that could be remedied with a good float. Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It’s off to the Equine Dentist we must go… by Tara Needham 26 Miniature Horse World Au g u s t / S e p t e m b e r 2 0 16 R aise your hand if you like going to the dentist? C’mon now, it can’t be that bad, can it? I can only imagine our little equine friends are not going to be too quick to raise a hoof either. Or maybe I am wrong. After a recent trip to the dentist with the Stampede of Love Miniature Horse Therapy team, I firmly believe that they are grateful for the needed attention. I have owned Miniature horses for over thirteen years with never a dull moment around these little characters. I’m always learning new things about them. Having their larger equine counterparts in my life for many years has helped considerably. One thing I have learned over the years is that it is not easy to find veterinarians who are willing to float the teeth of these little guys. Can you blame them? Most are probably not well equipped to handle the tiny spaces inside our Miniatures mouths. Not to mention, Minis seem to have a lot more dental issues than their larger relatives. Therefore, we must be diligent in caring for their unique situations. I have discovered size is everything. With two of my Minis under 27” in height, the challenge turned into a slightly desperate search, especially when one of them (Leo) began losing weight and stopped eating well. Continued on page 28.