2016 FLAIM Handbook | Page 17

3RD Offense TH 4 Offense Parent/guardian will be required to attend a conference with the principal. 1-2 days suspension (at home or in house) with the requirement that the parent/guardian returns to school with the student and participate in a conference with the principal prior to returning. EMERGENCY CONTACT SHEETS We must have accurate addresses, telephone numbers and emergency numbers for all our students. Home or cell numbers are in our database and will be called when a whole school call out is done by the school or the district. If your number is not current, you may not receive information that you need. If you move or change the number where you can be reached during the day, please send us this information so we can keep our files current and be able to reach you in the event of illness or accident. EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM We are proud to offer quality before and after school care for students through our Extended Day Program. All students will be housed at the Primary campus and the Prek and 3rd-5th graders will be transported each morning and afternoon. Morning care begins at 7:00 AM at a cost of $6/day. Aftercare begins at 3:25 PM at a cost of $10/day. Students may attend both morning and aftercare for $15/day. ILLNESS AT SCHOOL When a child becomes ill at school, our school nurse or office staff will check the child and make every effort to contact the parent immediately. If a child is running a fever, they must be picked up. Children are not sent home without contacting a responsible adult. It is important that the school has an updated telephone number and emergency contact for such cases. INSURANCE Insurance is offered to all students. Forms and envelopes are distributed at the beginning of the school year. Parents should complete them and return them to the classroom teacher. BR FLAIM PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK 17