2016 FLAIM Handbook | Page 12

• • • • INTERSECTIONS OR DRIVEWAYS. LINE WILL FLOW FROM WASHINGTON ST. TOWARDS E HARDING ST. Students will be loaded from the gate in the fence closest to E HARDING ST. Please avoid entering the carpool line from E Polk St. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR TO GET YOUR CHILD! DO NOT PARK ACROSS THE ROAD AND WALK UP TO GET YOUR CHILD!!! (THIS IS FOR EVERYONE’S SAFETY.) We will load several cars at a time so the line will move quickly. Please be respectful of our neighbors. Do not park in driveways or block them. Stay close to the curb so as to maintain two-way traffic on Thomas Delpit. Arrival (Intermediate and Lower) Students may arrive between 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM. Students should NOT arrive on campus before 8:00 AM. Supervision of students does not begin until that time. The tardy bell is at 8:30 AM. All students are to be dropped off through the carpool line at the front door of the school. Students are not to be dropped off on the streets or back parking lot. If you would rather walk your child to the front door, park your car outside of the carpool line and walk up. If you arrive after the tardy bell rings at 8:30 AM, you must come into the office to sign your child into school. Dismissal The school day ends at 3:25 PM for students in grades K – 5TH. Pre-K students are dismissed at 3:10 PM. Bus Guidelines Bus riders must adhere to all bus rules or will be removed from the bus. Safety is the priority for our bus drivers. They are to contact parents with problems and may also report the student to the principal. The bus driver may write-up the student for behavior problems. Three write-ups will result in a suspension from the bus. Bus riders will not be allowed to stay at school for carpool dismissal unless we have a written note from the parent stating that the child is to remain at school for carpool dismissal. Students will not be permitted to get off at other stops or ride other buses at any time. If you must pick up your child from school and do not want them to ride the bus, a faxed notice MUST be sent before 2:30 PM. 12 BR FLAIM PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK