2016 Community Report | Page 19


Proposition B

San Francisco Voters Prioritize Parks in June Election
San Francisco voters scored a big victory for parks in June . Approved by over 60 % of the vote , Proposition B amends our City Charter to extend an existing set-aside until 2046 and gives Rec and Park a funding baseline that increases each year for 30 years . The measure protects parks from future recession-driven cuts and guarantees a minimum of $ 15m a year to address deferred maintenance through the City ’ s General Fund capital plan .
This is a big deal for the city ’ s park system . It won ’ t solve deferred maintenance challenges or staffing shortages overnight , but Prop B delivers financial sustainability and predictability for our park system . Over time , Rec and Park will be able to better address nuts and bolts park issues like broken playground equipment and damaged irrigation systems that have long faced our department . Slowly and incrementally , the Department will be able to hire more staff and provide more resources to employees . And ultimately , provide better , cleaner , safer parks to communities all across the city .
There are a number of people to thank for this victory : + Mayor Ed Lee , without whose support there would have been no Proposition B + The Board of Supervisors , including Supervisor Mark Farrell + The San Francisco Parks Alliance + Employee organizations , led by Laborers Local 261
+ Members of the San Francisco Unified School Board , the many “ friends-of ” groups , park partners and community-based organizations , who continue to fight for equitable and sustainable resources for all of our neighborhoods
+ Our employees , who work in our parks each and every day
+ And especially San Francisco voters who continue to demonstrate that parks matter by supporting this measure and the parks bond measures in 2008 and 2012 stment , increase job venue for cities . cityparksalliance . org