2016 Bending Reality Magazine November 2016 | Page 60

Your emotional wellbeing is also getting an upgrade this month. On November 19, hazy Neptune ends a five-month retrograde (backward) spin through Pisces and your fourth house of home, family and security. With ephemeral Neptune in this foundational part of your chart, your living situation may have been in flux, or old insecurities could have flared. You may have struggled to keep up with self-care, feeling depleted and drained. Issues with a female relative or a child may also have arisen, which took a toll on your sensitive soul. You could have struggled with codependence and excessive caretaking, too.

All of this cast a damper on your moods during this cycle—but hallelujah, Neptune will resume direct (forward) motion on November 19, clearing away the fog and indecisiveness in your personal life.

And now for the silver lining: On November 21, the Sun will soar into Sagittarius for a month, rebooting your energy and kicking off your solar new year. No need to wait until January 1 to set inspired resolutions or start fresh. Your birthday season has arrived and you couldn’t be more ready to blow out those candles and set some new intentions. The perfect day for that is November 29, when the year’s only Sagittarius new moon kicks off your personal new year, putting your passion projects and solo endeavors on the fast track. It’s a great time to debut something you’ve been working on for a while, so go public and spread the word!

There’s one date that comes with a major warning label, though—and it happens to fall on Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. This November 24, your ruling planet Jupiter will lock into a hair-raising square (www.astrostyle.com/aspects/square) with controlling Pluto, yanking you between competing desires for security and freedom. Expansive Jupiter is in your liberated eleventh house of group activity, prompting you to be outspoken in social settings. But intense and manipulative Pluto in your conservative second house warns that any your unfiltered commentary could set off a small war, especially with someone whose values clash with yours. So, um, if you’re thinking of discussing the results of the recent election, think again. Avoid discussing charged topics today.

Ruler: Jupiter, the planet of fortune, daring, and studious expansion

Your gifts: bohemian adventurism, multicultural awareness, and well-timed humor

Your issues: dogmatic preaching, impulsivity, gambling with fate

Your saving grace: your ability to cut through tension by cracking a joke

Your path: to unify disparate groups into a "We Are the World" coalition

Love 'em: Aries, Libra

Notsomuch: Pisces, Scorpio

Celebrity star mates: Katie Holmes, Scarlett Johansson, Miley Cyrus, Julianne Moore

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