2016 Baker County Fair Premium Book | Page 57

2016 BAKER COUNTY FAIR OFFICIAL PREMIUM BOOK PAGE 57 HORTICULTURE Sports Clubs prior to contest day. 7. Awards will be given at the Awards Ceremony on Saturday FLOWERS & ORNAMENTALS The class and kind of flower must appear on the exhibit tag Schedule for Contests: Archery - at the Fairgrounds, attached to the exhibit. The number of flowers required for Shotgun—at the Baker Trap Club. each exhibit can be found in parentheses after each flower type. In an exhibit of 3 blooms, all blooms must be the same color. Shotgun Marksmanship Each competitor will shoot 50 targets at 16 yards (there may be Each flower is to have foliage attached or include foliage. a cost for targets). Factory target loads only. Individual Range Exhibitors can enter only one entry of each of the flowers listed rules apply. below with the exception of the Other, Perennial Cut Flowers 460 700 100 Junior (Novice) and the Other, Annual Flowers. Exhibitors may show all or a 460 700 101 Junior portion of their allowed/allotted flower exhibits in either of 460 700 102 Intermediate the Other classes. 460 700 103 Senior The Cowboy's Return Backward, turn backward, oh, Time with your wheels, Aeroplanes, wagons and automobiles Dress me once more in sombrero that flaps, Spurs, and a flannel shirt, slicker and chaps Put a six-shooter or two in my hand. Show me a yearling to rope and to brand Out where the sage brush is dusty and gray, Make me a cowboy again for a day. Give me a broncho that knows how to dance, Buckskin of color and wicked of glance, New to the feeling of bridles and bits Give me a quirt that will sting where it hits, Strap on the poncho behind in a roll, Pass me the lariat, dear to my soul, Over the trail let me gallop away. Make me a cowboy again for a day. Thunder of hoofs on the range as you ride Hissing of iron and the smoking of hide, Bellow of cattle, and snort of cayuse Shorthorns from Texas as wild as the deuce; Midnight stampede, and the milling of herds Yells of the cowmen too angry for words Right in the thick of it all I would stay. Make me a cowboy again for a day. Under the star-studded canopy vast Campfire and coffee and comfort at last. (Bacon that sizzles and crisps in the pan After the roundup smells good to a man.) Stories of ranchers and rustlers retold Over the pipes as the embers grow cold— These are the tunes that old memories play, Make me a cowboy again for a day Anonymous The total number of cut flower exhibits may not exceed 3 for juniors, 4 for intermediates, or 5 for seniors. Each exhibit will receive a ribbon. Arrangement exhibits will be displayed in the container provided by the exhibitor. Exhibitors may use a holding device to secure arrangements. Judging criteria are outlined on 4-H Cut Flowers Exhibit Score Card (713-01) and the 4-H Floral Arrangement Exhibit Score Card (713-02), available at the Extension office and on the State 4-H website, http://oregon.4h.oregonstate.edu/fair-exhibit-and-contest-materials Types: Number of stems required in parentheses. Asters (3) Blooms Bachelor Buttons (3) Blooms Calendulas (3) Blooms Chrysanthemums (1) Spray Cosmos (3) Blooms Dahlias, under 3” disbudded (3) Dahlias, 3-6” dia. disbudded (1) Dahlias, 6” & over, disbudded (1) Gladiolus (1) Spike Gloriosa Daisy (3) Blooms Lilies (1) Stalk Marigold, African (1) Bloom Marigold, French (3) Stems Nasturtiums (3) Blooms Petunias (3) Stems Roses, miniature (1) Spray Roses, Other (1) Bloom Roses, grown in clusters (more than three blooms) (1) Spray Roses, hybrid tea disbudded (1) Bloom Snapdragons (3) Spikes Statice (1) Spray Straw Flowers (3) Stem Sunflowers, (1) Bloom Zinnias (3) Blooms Other, Perennial Cut Flowers Other, Annual Cut Flowers DEFINITIONS Bloom: an individual flower, one blossom to a stem. Spike: a stalk carrying many stemless or nearly stemless flowers. Spray: a portion of a plant with a number of flowers on one. Stem: a stem with one or more flowers Disbudded: removal of the lateral buds along the stem of the flower. Cut Flowers Exhibitors are responsible for notifying county Extension office of exact type of cut flowers to be exhibited at State Fair.