2016 Annual Report 2016 Annual Report for Web v2 | Page 5

Enlarge your tent; stretch it out and make it wider. Do not hold back. Make the ropes longer and its stakes stronger, because you will spread out to the right and to the left. (Is 54:2,3) During this past year, Impact Nations saw unprecedented growth. How did this happen? I suspect two reasons: we kept saying ‘yes’ when the Lord called us to follow Him into new things and new places. Secondly, the number of men and women who committed themselves to praying grew significantly. In short, we recognize all that happened is simply the grace of God. As you read over this annual report, you will see that more people went on more Journeys of Compassion to more places than ever before, including two new nations––Nepal and Tanzania. In fact, the Lord was doing so much in Nepal, we went twice! We introduced something new: Extreme Journeys. One team slept in tents at 8,700 feet; another hiked for eight hours to get to an unreached and very needy village. Working with our partners in northern India and East Samar in the Philippines, we broke new spiritual ground that so far has led to over 5,200 new house churches being planted by our partners as a direct result of the Journeys. A highlight for us was the completion of the Hope & Care school which houses over 400 children in western Uganda. This was our biggest project to date. We partnered with the Ontario Gleaners to provide 140,000 meals for malnourished children in Haiti. Through installing and distributing household water filters, drilling wells and building spring boxes, 2016 saw us provide permanent safe water to over 20,000 people. Be sure to take a few minutes to look over the lists on pages 12-15 to see what was accomplished; I think you will be both surprised and thankful for what the Lord has allowed Impact Nations to do. Finally, on behalf of our team in Canada, the US and Australia, as well as our partners on the ground in the various developing nations––thank you to every one of you whose faithful and generous giving has made all of this possible. And thank you to the growing number of men and women who “stand in the gap”, interceding for Impact Nations. May you always know His great love, Steve 3