2016-2017 Student Handbook | Page 44

Respect for the personal dignity of all students and staff
Foster the health , safety , and social and emotional well-being of students
Compliance with federal , State , and local laws and District policies and procedures
Protection and maintenance of school property
Prevention of problem behaviors through the use of support services
Provision of referral information and resources regarding counseling , rehabilitation services , remedial
services , special education , Section 504 services , and early intervention services
Support the establishment and maintenance of civil , safe , supportive and disciplined school environments
conducive to learning
Promote achievement of high academic standards
Establish parameters for the intervention and remediation of student problem behaviors at all stages of
Establish parameters for school responses to violations of the code of student conduct that
take into
account the severity of the offenses , the developmental ages of the student
offenders and students ’
histories of inappropriate behaviors
When a student is suspended , the student may not participate in the District ’ s general education or special education program . Generally , the student will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular programs or school events such as athletic competitions , class trips , graduation , proms , etc . It is , however , within the discretion of the Superintendent to allow participation in certain activities . Suspended students are not allowed on school grounds without the permission of the High School Administration .
In School Suspension ( I . S . S .) I . S . S . is a behavior modification program , which provides the student with a structured change of environment from the regular program . Students are assigned by the teacher deans or by the Administrators for varying periods of time . Students are present in school but their activities are carefully monitored and restricted . The assignments will be all day starting at 8:15 a . m . and ending at 3:00 p . m . Students assigned to in-school suspension will be held accountable for completing classroom work After the third full day of in-school suspension , the student will receive an out-of-school suspension and may not return to school without a parent or guardian
Short-Term Suspension When the District imposes a short-term suspension , defined as the removal of a student for 10 school days or fewer from the general education or special education program , the student is entitled to the following :
� Oral or written notice of charges to be provided to the student and student ’ s parents as soon as practicable ; � An explanation of evidence supporting the charges when they are denied ; � An informal hearing prior to the suspension , if practicable , where the student has an opportunity to present his / her side of the story ;
� Notification to the student ’ s parents of removal prior to end of the school day on which the decision to suspend was made ; and Educational services , in school or out of school , within five days of suspension .
� If a student with a disability is suspended , educational services shall be provided according to student ’ s IEP .
Long-Term Suspension When the District imposes a long-term suspension , defined as the removal of a student for more than 10 school days from the general education or special education program , but not the cessation of the student ’ s educational services , the student is entitled to the following :
� Immediate notification of charges to the student and parents prior to removal ; � Supervision of the student while he / she is waiting to be removed ; � Written notification to parents within two school days of the suspension , stating the specific charges , facts , and the student ’ s due process rights ;
� Written notice that further engagement by the student in conduct warranting expulsion shall amount to a knowing and voluntary waiver of the student ’ s right to a free public education , in the event that a decision to expel the student is made by the board of education ;
� A list of witnesses and statements , information on the right of the student to secure an attorney ;
� Educational services , either in or out of school , provided within five days of suspension ;
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