2016-2017 Student Handbook | Page 36

Important Dates: ▪Senior Exam exemption applications must be handed in by June, 2017 ▪Senior educational experiences for seniors, exempt from exams, will be determined by the administration. SENIOR SERVICE The Teaneck High School Senior Service Program offers seniors a wonderful opportunity to conclude their educational experience by giving them a chance to provide a service to the community and/or explore a career via unpaid internships. The six week internship may be with a non-profit organization or in the private sector. Students will intern five hours per day, excluding lunch, Monday through Friday. Senior Service is a privilege afforded only to seniors who, at the close of third marking period, following criteria: Have Have Have Have meet the a senior year GPA of 3.0 or better and a minimum average grade of 2.0 in every class. a positive and respectful behavioral record throughout the course of the year. attendance in compliance with State guidelines for eligibility. completed 60 hours of community service by April 30th. Students accepted into the program must continue to maintain grades of C or better in every class until they are signed out by their teachers and be available to start on the first day of the program. Students failing to abide by these rules will forfeit participation in the program. Participation by any student is subject to teacher and administrative approval. COMMUNITY SERVICE The completion of 60 hours of community services over a four (4) year period is a Teaneck High School graduation requirement. This requirement centers around the development of character, self-esteem, and leadership qualities attained through a contribution to one’s community. Students may begin their service during the summer prior to entering the 9th grade and must have it completed by April 30th of their senior year. All community service sites must be with a non-profit organization and approved by the Community Service Coordinator prior to the start of service. Failure to comply may result in loss of credit for hours served. Community Service materials are available in the Guidance Suite,contact your Guidance Counselor for more information. USE OF COMPUTERS ACCESS TO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION The district’s students and staff will have access to electronic information resources through their classrooms, offices, media centers, and school computer laboratories. Access to the district’s computer network (s) and the Internet is a privilege, which may be revoked at any time. Electronic information resources include, but are not limited to, Voice Mail, Local Area networks (LAN), wide Area Networks (WAN), Internet access, Electronic mail (e-mail), and instructional management software/courseware. These resources have been established for limited educational purposes and management uses, as approved by the Board of Education and under the direction of the Superintendent. No student shall be permitted access to District – provided Internet resources unless and until the student’s parents/guardians sign the District’s consent and release and the student has agreed, in writing, to follow district policy and regulation. The terms “educational purpose” and “management use” include use of resources for experiences related to instruction, professional or career development, data management, research and communication related to those uses. The Board policy 2301 and Regulations on District-Provided Access to Electronic Information are available for Parent and Student review. Before students have access to District-Provided Internet resources, parents/guardians must sign a consent and release to permit their children to use those resources. In addition, students must agree to follow the District policy. District Electronic Resources LAN - A Local Area Network is two or more computers connected within a room or building. LANs enable sharing of information and network resources and facilitate communication and file management. WAN - A Wide Area Network connects computers within the district and outside of the district. WANs enable sharing of information and network resources and facilitate communication and file distance. management over a long Internet/World Wide Web - The Internet is a global computer network that provides access to a wide range of information and resources from throughout the world. Electronic Mail - Electronic Mail is an electronic messaging system utilizing the LAN, WAN, or the Internet, enabling a user to correspond with another user having compatible mail access. 36| P a g e