2016-2017 Student Handbook | Page 19

A parent/guardian may appeal the decision of loss of credit for their child by filing with the Assistant Principal within five (5) days of notification of excessive absences.  The appeal must clearly state the reasons that the consequences from excessive absences should not be imposed.  The Principal will review the decision, approve or disapprove it, and notify the parents.  If a student loses his/her appeal, he/she may regain credit by successfully repeating the course in summer school. When your child is going to be absent, parents are expected to call the *GRADE LEVEL TEACHER/DEAN. Upon return to school, students must bring a note from a p arent or guardian within three ( 3) school days and present it to the Teacher/Dean. Students are permitted and expected to make up missed school work when returning from an excused absence. G r a d e L e v e l T ea c h e r / D e a n o f S t ud e n ts 9th Grade (Room 303) Natasha Green (201) 833-5414 10th Grade (Room 326a) O l i v i a B e t a n c es (201) 833-5473 11th Grade (Room 240) Charles Clark (201) 833-5440 12th Grade (Room 128) L o t ti e W a ts o n (201) 862-2497 Eighteen-year-old students will be permitted to sign their own notes A student who has 10 or more consecutive absences will be considered truant, referred to a court program as required by State law, and will be subject to proceedings under the compulsory attendance laws. TARDY POLICY AT TEANECK HIGH SCHOOL The Board of Education recognizes that from time to time compelling circumstances will require that a student be late to school. The school must be notified in advance of late arrival or early dismissal by written request of the student’s parent/guardian. First unexcused tardy: Warning by the teacher Second unexcused tardy: After school detention with teacher Third unexcused tardy: Automatic Saturday Detention will be assigned Fourth unexcused tardy: Student will earn a countable absence and Skyward will automatically mark an “A” which represents a tardy absence OFF CAMPUS PASSES Students may not leave school during school hours for any purpose unless he/she has an off campus pass. Students will be permitted to leave school early ONLY when dismissed by the school nurse (with a parent/guardian note), or with an off-campus pass signed by an Administrator, or the Grade Level Teacher/Dean. A parent note must be submitted before the student will be permitted to leave school, indicating the reason the student must miss class time. If a student becomes sick or injured during the school day, he/she must request a pass from the class teacher and report to the nurse’s office. If in the nurse’s opinion, the student is too ill to remain in school, she will consult with your parent or guardian and make arrangements to have an adult sign the student out and accompany the student home. If the student leaves school without having been signed out, the class time missed will be recorded as unexcused. Please note, generally, only a nurse may administer medication in school and it must be kept in her office. In the case of certain life threatening illnesses, a student may be permitted to selfmedicate with prior written permissions. Also required is a form signed by both parent and physician providing consent and a doctor’s order establishing the necessity of this medication administration during school hours. See nurse for form. The medical suite is located off the first floor lobby under the auditorium. POLICY 8601 PUPIL SUPERVISION AFTER SCHOOL DISMISSAL The Board of Education adopts this Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal Policy as a result of the New Jersey Supreme Court’s decision in Joseph Jerkins, an infant by his Guardian Ad Litem, Charles Jerkins; Charles Jerkins and Toni Jerkins, individually, v. Soweto Anderson; Kemba N. Anderson; John Does 1-10 (fictitious individuals) and ABC Corporations 1-10 (fictitious entities), and Board of Education of Pleasantville Public Schools and Rosemay Clarke. The New Jersey Supreme Court, in Jerkins, indicated dangers exist for younger pupils at dismissal as children are susceptible to numerous risks, including negligent conduct, when leaving school property. Because of these risks, the Board of Education adopts and requires 19| P a g e