2016-2017 Exchange Mar Apr 2017 FINAL | Page 15

apps and text messaging to confirm receipt and set expecta- tions—will let your customers know you are present, and they are not just a number in your system. 5. Letting your people own your process The average tenure for employ- ees in the US is less than 10 years. If you have information management processes that are cobbled together, you may be on the verge of losing some very valuable information. If that employee leaves, they not only take that knowledge capital with them but it could take months to sort out where the information is and how to access it. To prevent losing data when employees leave, implement systems with formal information roadmaps that highlight collec- tion and storage processes, make sure your people are cross-trained, and ensure they aren’t tweaking it or creating their own solutions to capture and control your knowledge. gence you use to manage criti- cal assets. By following the above advice, you can generate more value from your information while eliminating risks that might oth- erwise damage your business and your brand. For most companies, infor- mation is among the most im- portant assets. These resources can help you improve your busi- ness, create new opportunities, and better engage current and future customers—but only if you treat it with the same dili- 15