2016-2017 Eagle Times Issue 11 | Page 35

Patrick Wilbratte

I know I’ve been here for four years, but it really went by fast (yes, I’m aware of how many hundreds of thousands of people say that). It hadn’t even occurred to me this year was almost over until I saw “7 Days” on Ms. Gardner’s board. I don’t think I’m ready to leave, but staying isn’t exactly an option. If I’m being completely honest, I don’t feel ready for college at all. The thought of moving on and having to take care of things myself terrifies me. It’s not the school’s fault by any means. They did their best to prepare me for this, and I’m just not ready to accept the fact that I probably won’t see these people I’ve grown so close to again.

I had the time of my life at Shaw. It didn’t feel like an obligation to go to school most of the time. Of course, every now and again I’d have a test waiting for me, and I really would’ve preferred to stay home. However, that doesn’t mean I dreaded school.

To the students starting off here, I want you to realize this: the times you’re going to have here will be the easiest and most exciting you’re going to have. Although, you need to realize how fast it’s going to go by. Don’t take it for granted because there are people in their thirties, forties, and so on that would give anything in the world to go back to high school. Make the best of it because you only get this opportunity once.