2016-2017 Eagle Times Issue 10 | Page 13

Also, he plans to increase the community involvement of the football team like the team assisting in the Special Olympics in order to boost the public awareness of Shaw. Finally, he rallied for the alumni to be involved in improving the football program via donations like fundraisers or advertising by simply wearing a Shaw shirt at their middle school nephew’s football game and speaking positively about Shaw to anyone who asks them.

In all honesty, I was supremely impressed with how Coach Connors plans to improve not only the football team but the entire school through the football program’s advertisement and installation of good morals of family and teamwork into its players. What moved me especially was that Coach Connors politely asked the alumni to, if at all possible, stop a #MakeShawGreatAgain trend on social media as it degrades the image of the current team who Coach Connors sees giving their everything into practice and the football program. This simple request implies that he cares about each individual of the team and holds to great value their effort. To Coach Connors, I give my certainty and prayers that the amount of effort and care you put into the football program will grow into fruition one hundred fold.