2015-16 State of Education in Tennessee | Page 53

opportunities for educators to guide and provide feedback on policies affecting their schools and districts. SCORE should convene a statewide network of teacher leaders to increase opportunities for collaboration between teacher leaders across the EMPOWER TENNESSEE’S TEACHERS. state and increase the capacity of current teacher leader programs. Over the past several years, there Cultivate a culture of teaching in Tennessee that has been an increase in opportunities for educators attracts high-quality candidates to the profession and to have a voice in the policymaking process as a supports the continual growth of Tennessee’s current result of efforts by the Tennessee Department teachers. As noted earlier, research indicates that of Education, local school districts, advocacy teachers have a larger impact on student learning than organizations, and other education partners across any other in-school factor. For this reason, it is important the state. These opportunities have allowed more to recruit high-quality candidates to the teaching educators to advocate for changes that reflect the profession and to expand access to effective teacher needs in their classrooms and schools. To enhance preparation programs that give candidates the skills the impact of these opportunities, SCORE should they need to effectively improve student learning. It is create a statewide network of teacher leaders, also essential to support current teachers, providing creating additional opportunities for collaboration them with support, recognition, and leadership and additional outlets for teacher leadership in opportunities that will allow them to continually Tennessee. improve their instruction and more effectively meet student needs. Early-career teachers should also have Ensure the Continued Improvement of Tennessee’s increased support through professional development Teacher Preparation Programs. The State Board of for teaching literacy in all content areas—a key strategy Education, the Tennessee Department of Education, to enhance reading levels. and teacher preparation programs should continue to implement Tennessee’s Educator Preparation Elevate Teacher Voice. SCORE, the Tennessee Policy with fidelity to ensure continued improvement Department of Education, and non-profit in Tennessee’s teacher preparation programs. The organizations should establish and expand Tennessee Department of Education should publish 52