2015-16 State of Education in Tennessee | Page 4

LETTER FROM SENATOR BILL FRIST AND JAMIE WOODSON January 27, 2016 Over the last few years, educators, business leaders, policymakers, and community members have come together around the belief that with common goals and an unyielding focus on what is best for students, we can improve the future for our children, the opportunities for our citizens, and the overall success of our state. As we celebrate the tremendous progress Tennessee has made in education, it is also important to look back to identify the work that has led to these positive outcomes and look ahead to determine opportunities for continued growth. In 2013, Tennessee was the fastest improving state on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and the 2015 results confirm that the 2013 gains were real and lasting. In the last year, Tennessee students continued to rise in the rankings in fourth- and eighth-grade math and eigth-grade reading scores. For the first time ever, students reached the top 25 in the nation in fourth-grade math. For the fifth consecutive year, Tennessee students also demonstrated strong academic growth on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program, especially in math and science. Since 2011, the percentage of students who are proficient or advanced has increased in every tested subject. 3