2015-16 State of Education in Tennessee | Page 30

administration. Schools need more instructional and heightened if students encounter technical difficulties technical support to ensure a successful transition to with their device, the Internet connection, or the the new assessment.80 testing platform.84 Technology-Based Assessments. Both TNReady and Student readiness for online assessments remains Tennessee’s new social studies assessment will be a concern among some educators. While some administered online using the MIST testing platform.81 teachers feel that their students are comfortable with Online assessments offer several advantages over computers, many are concerned that their students traditional paper-and-pencil tests, including the lack the technology skills necessary to succeed possibility of faster scoring, a wider range of question on a computer-based test. Especially in the lower types, and the ability to capture more detailed data, grades, students need more opportunities to practice such as how much time a student spent answering a keyboarding and other essential computer skills. particular question.82 Online assessments also help Limited access to devices, however, has caused some prepare students for college and the workforce, where schools to find it difficult to provide this practice time.85 c omfort with technology is increasingly essential.83 However, these assessments come with their own set Interim and Benchmark Assessments. Teachers of challenges. With paper-and-pencil tests, it is usually use interim and benchmark assessments to monitor possible to test every student in the building at the student learning throughout the school year. These same time. Many schools do not have enough devices assessments provide teachers with immediate or Internet bandwidth to do the feedback on which skills each student has mastered same with online assessments. and the skills for which a student needs additional This means students must take support to master. These timely data allow teachers tests in shifts, which can be to adjust their instruction to meet each student’s disruptive to instruction without needs. Teachers can make their own interim and an intentional implementation benchmark assessments, or districts can purchase plan. This disruption is them from a vendor. They may be taken with paper and pencil or online. Educators provided feedback on interim and benchmark assessments during SCORE’s 2015 Listening Tour. Teachers and principals noted that 29