2015-16 Annual Report 2015-16 Annual Report | Page 117

2014-15 2015-16 6.1 A region governed in consultation and partnership with the community 84% 95% 6.1.1 Ensure leadership and decision making is transparent, accountable and represents the current and future interests of the region’s communities. 100% 92% 6.1.2 Implement effective community consultation processes that enable participation, engagement and collaboration. 78% 99% 6.1.3 Develop and maintain community participation, partnerships and volunteer programs. 75% 100% 6.1.4 Implement an effective information and education program to encourage community participation in decision making and build social capital. 100% 94% Community collaboration and allowing each of our residents to share their voice is an important focus of Council. With an emphasis on timely, sustainable service delivery, we can ensure that our community has their service needs met in expected timeframes. We continue to provide opportunity for public consultation and two-way conversation that inspires partic