2014 National Convening Skills Presenations Portland Plan | Page 135

Measures of Success 20-Minute Analysis Area Percent of population within 1/2 mile of grocery store Percent of population within 1/2 mile of a park Percent of population within 3 miles of a full-service community center Percent of population within 1/2 mile of elementary school Percent of population within 1/4 mile of frequent transit 1 Central City 64% 96% 95% 33% 70% 2 Interstate Corridor 16% 97% 100% 58% 74% 3 Hayden Island-Bridgeton 7% 29% 34% 0% 3% 4 St. Johns 14% 91% 100% 45% 65% 5 Roseway-Cully 17% 73% 72% 34% 47% 6 MLK-Alberta 41% 98% 98% 49% 81% 7 Belmont-Hawthorne-Division 59% 100% 68% 53% 87% 8 Hollywood 57% 83% 100% 49% 60% 9 Montavilla 34% 82% 100% 40% 49% 10 Woodstock 46% 100% 96% 51% 40% 11 Lents-Foster 32% 91% 100% 42% 43% 12 Sellwood-Moreland-Brooklyn 47% 95% 0% 29% 16% 13 Parkrose-Argay 0% 82% 12% 25% 1% 14 Gateway 27% 97% 98% 24% 12% 15 122nd-Division 18% 99% 91% 33% 17% 16 Centennial-Glenfair-Wilkes 20% 80% 31% 23% 18% 17 Pleasant Valley 0% 62% 26% 11% 0% 18 Forest Park-Northwest Hills 0% 12% 5% 7% 0% 19 Raleigh Hills 18% 56% 88% 12% 7% 20 Northwest 61% 73% 75% 6% 51% 21 South Portland-Marquam Hill 8% 61% 22% 0% 18% 22 Hillsdale-Multnomah-Barbur 21% 77% 100% 17% 5% 23 West Portland 13% 83% 94% 19% 15% 24 Tryon Creek-South Terwilliger 4% 19% 26% 7% 0% www.pdxplan.com | April 2012 129