2014-15 Canada-China Business Forum Magazine | Page 94

STRONGER TOGETHER Nexen Energy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNOOC Limited, is proud to be a member of the Canada-China Business Council (CCBC). From strong roots grow strong relationships Manulife sold its first insurance policy in Shanghai in 1897, an event that foreshadowed over a century of successful business that has benefited us greatly. Our ongoing success is a result of building strong, time-tested relationships with our business partners and a continued focus on providing our clients with strong, reliable, trustworthy and forwardthinking solutions for life’s most significant financial decisions. We truly appreciate the strong support we’ve received in China and the role it has played in helping establish Manulife as a global leader. 根深叶茂 成就紧密伙伴关系 一八九七年,宏利在上海售出第一份 保单,揭开了一个世纪多以来使我们 深深受益的业务发展历程。我们多年 来的成功,源自于长期而深厚的伙伴 合作关系,以及对客户服务孜孜不倦 的追求,让我们可为客户提供实力雄 厚、稳健可靠、深受信赖和具有远见 的理财方案,以助其作出人生中最重 要的理财决定。 我们有幸在中国获得了强大支持,这 为宏利作为全球的企业翘楚打下了成 功基石。 By participating in the CCBC and organizing events such as the Canada-China Business Mission, we’re working to build stronger bonds between Canadian and Chinese businesses. 团结势更强 尼克森能源, 作为中国海洋石油有限公司的全资子公 司,为能成为加中贸易理事会的一员感到自豪。 通过参与理事会的事务, 并组织象加中贸易代表团这 样的活动,我们正致力于在加中贸易之间建立更为紧 密的纽带。