2013 Annual Report 1 | Page 2

“Just recently, I needed a pair of eyeglasses. They’ve been held together by band aids or a paper clip. The only place I could find that could help me was Care Alliance. I gave them my prescription and today I’m picking up a voucher. I feel like I hit the lottery!” Dear Friends, When we harness the dedication of our staff and the power of a caring community, it is truly amazing what we can accomplish as an organization. This was evident throughout this past year at Care Alliance. With 28 years of experience and leadership, Care Alliance is built on the premise of treating the whole person and delivering a full breadth of services. Over the past year, we provided comprehensive, high-quality health care to over 10,000 individuals. Significant strides in 2013 included the completion of a transformational strategic planning initiative and the Riverview Tower renovation. The remodel helps breathe new life into the Ohio City neighborhood and increase health care access on the near West side. With the project complete, the construction team relocated to the Central neighborhood to break ground on our new clinic at 30 th and Central. While tackling these breakthrough projects, we expanded our efforts to perfect our team-based approach to care and cultivate our integration partnerships. At this time, we pause to thank our supporters, celebrate the remarkable achievements allowing us to make a difference, and recommit again to our mission as we continue to move forward in what is sure to be a landmark year in our history. This dedication is not ours alone; you, as our friends and allies, are at the very core of this mission. It is through your support and contributions that our most vulnerable community members have access to much needed health care services. We thank you for your dedication to Care Alliance and the Cleveland community. PROV I D I N G C A R E TH RO U G H I N N OVATI V E PA RTN E R S H I P S In 2013, Care Alliance partnered with Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead Institute for Family Medicine and Community Health to open the Arbor Park Clinic. Together we strive to improve the lives of Arbor Park Village residents, specifically women and their families, by providing health services, health education and linkage to primary care. Care Alliance offers quality health care services at the clinic, and Case medical students cover a variety of education topics through health teachings to Arbor Park residents. This program is helping to inform and engage residents and provide access to a medical home. OUTCOMES | 2013 • 34,067 patient encounters Sincerely, • • • Jon H. Outcalt Jr. Board Chair • 663 patients received dentures, partials or other restorative dental care • 2,473 patients received behavioral health services • • 10,643 patients served Nearly half of our medical patients have a chronic illness 59% are experiencing homelessness 68% have no health insurance 94% live in extreme poverty F I N A N C I A L S TE WA R DS H I P | 2013 “Health centers produce up to $24 billion in annual health system savings. Thi s includes $6.7 billion in savings to the Medicaid program.” -National Association of Community Health Centers “America’s Health Centers” August 2013 Fact Sheet. More info: www.nachc.com OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES Care Alliance was a formal partner in the MetroHealth Care Plus program which provided health insurance for low-income, uninsured Cuyahoga County residents between the ages of 19 and 64. Since the program began in February 2013, more than 2,400 Care Alliance patients enrolled, supporting their ability to access specialty care and our organization’s own financial sustainability. With the expansion of Medicaid in the state of Ohio, we are now working to transition patients to Medicaid for continuous coverage using our experience and lessons learned. We are so grateful to have been a partner in this impactful program. C APITAL PROJECT UPDATE Reopening Celebration OUR PATIENTS | 2013 Francis Afram-Gyening, FACHE Chief Executive Officer Care Alliance and FrontLine Service have worked symbiotically for many years to integrate our services and provide physical and behavioral health care to Cleveland’s most disenfranchised, vulnerable residents. In 2013, in partnership with Enterprise Community Partners, we received a grant from the Ohio Housing Finance Agency to launch an Integrated Mobile Health Clinic to travel to Housing First permanent supportive housing buildings, home to over 600 chronically homeless individuals. The mobile clinic will offer primary care and behavioral health services and highly coordinated care management as both a preventive and treatment measure. We are thrilled to launch this exciting initiative! Joe Cimperman, and Jeffery Patterson of Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority joined Board members, staff, supporters, community members, and allied organizations to celebrate our clinic reopening. In his remarks, Mayor Jackson stated, “I’ve seen people who have fallen on hard times and people who have nothing. As a result, I’ve always watched those organizations that have helped them, that did it in a way filled with love and compassion and concern for their quality of life and wellbeing -- and that is Care Alliance.” In 2012, Care Alliance received a $500,000 grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to make muchneeded renovations to our Riverview Tower Clinic in Ohio City. Care Alliance unveiled and reopened the new clinic in September 2013. The Riverview Tower Clinic expanded from a part time, four room medical clinic to a full time medical and dental clinic with four dental chairs and five medical exam rooms, with the capacity to provide care for an average of 3,800 patients annually. The reopening of Riverview increases access to medical and dental care for the 490 residents of Riverview Tower, those in nearby public housing, and other low-income neighborhood residents, in addition to serving as a hub for homeless care on the near West side. At our community open house, special guests Mayor Frank Jackson, City Councilman E N G AG E When people come together to support a cause they believe in, amazing things can happen. It’s easy to get involved and make an impact with Care Alliance: D O N ATE . Whether you write a check or donate a pair of socks, your contribution helps Cleveland residents in need. VO LU NTE E R . Give back to your community and build your skills! C O LL A B O R ATE . Partnerships make the goal of accessible, affordable health care for all easier to achieve. We are grateful for our current partners. Site of the Central Neighborhood Clinic This reopening marks the completion of the first of two large construction projects. Currently, we are focusing on the Central Neighborhood Clinic, which will be completed and open to the community by May 2015. Combined, these new clinics will deliver an additional, annual $8.1 million in services to communities in need. WO R K . Professionals with a commitment to the Care Alliance mission are always needed. LE A R N M O R E : www.carealliance.org